In: Operations Management
In this assignment, we’ll return to Sun City Boards and the management challenges they face. (You can refresh your memory of Sun City Boards by reading the Why It Matters (Links to an external site.) and Putting It Together (Links to an external site.) sections of the Planning and Mission module.) With your advice, Tom Wilson (the owner) has continued to make strategic planning progress, but you and Tom realize that a new organizational structure is needed for the company to grow as you envision. Plans include expanding beyond a single store/manufacturing shop and reaching new markets via an Internet presence and e-commerce. The following is a summary of the current staff and loose descriptions of job functions:
The Organizational Structures module of your text provides numerous examples and illustrations of organizational structures. As Tom’s advisor, your assignment now is to select one of the organizational structures presented in the reading, describe how it works, chart the future structure for Sun City, and explain why you prescribe it. The following steps will help you prepare for your written assignment:
Your Task
In addition to the text, you are encouraged to research your organizational structure using reliable and properly cited Internet resources. You may also draw from your personal work experience with appropriate examples to support your references.
The Functional Organizational Structure above represents a suggestion to add more roles as Sun City anticipates growth.
This form of organization, depending on their experience, divides staff into hierarchical fields which can theoretically lend itself to a very large hierarchy because the assistants report to the superiors, who then report to the CEO. In order to prevent work frustration and promote the degree of dedication of each employee (as are possible pitfalls to this form to structure), I would recommend paying careful attention to the Sun City's internal climate.The internal climate is affected by roles and staff as they contribute to those roles, thus ensuring that a greater degree of mission identification and meaning is given by the CEO and managers. Project identity is where a entire task is presented from start to finish, taking a more systematic approach instead of splitting the work into individual components. An individual views his or herself not only as a cog but as an important piece of the whole. Similarly, task significance is the understanding that each employee’s work affects the work of other employees. Each knows their work creates a positive impact. In addition, ensuring each employee is empowered to make certain decisions and is provided with feedback will promote innovation and productivity. As the CEO and managers focus on these areas, Sun City will see high internal motivation and satisfaction.
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