In: Operations Management
Write 4-6 professional-level paragraphs on ANY movie of your choice that contains a leadership lesson (even FROZEN has a ton of leadership lessons - you just have to look for them.) Write up a summary of what leadership lessons you've learned. Be specific. I want to know what leadership styles you saw. Add what events showed you what kind of leader someone was. What situations were most impactful to you (as you as a developing leader yourself) as you watched the movie. What lessons will you takeaway into your own leadership and why?
Since you have mentioned Frozen, let us talk about frozen.
Frozen is a movie based on the storyline of two princess Anna and Elsa. Elsa stronger and with magical powers and Anna calm and composed. If we look into the leadership skills of the crowned queen Elsa, She was strong, her people trusted and followed her, she faced numerous issues big and small both and faced them with courage and confidence and resolved them too. Whether it was her sister's marriage with Hans or controlling her power or finding the truth about the magical mist in the forest. She was determined to protect her family and people.
While leaders can't fix everything themselves she had Anna and Kristoff by her side to advise her. Anna was calm and had always protected her from any harm. It was their team work that helped them to save lives. What's the role of a leader? He or She shows the way to how to achieve the set target. If you have seen the movie both parts you can find it how Elsa has always shown path to Anna and how she with all grace and courage achieved that. The most impactful thing that I saw was in the second part of Frozen was the bridge damaging portion. The Dam that was being build was a bluff played by Elsa's grandfather and the great king then but Elsa not only found out the truth but also gave indications to Anna what she needs to do when she was stuck in a life-threatening situation. Anna with her thought process and intellect found out the way to deal not only with people but also used monsters to break that dam as was nearly an impossible task without the help of big monsters. What we can learn from Elsa here is determination, fearlessness, leading the way by protecting her near and dear ones, not leaving her people alone when the dam was broken.
Elsa's attitude of Don't Let it Go and facing the problem without running away from them. As a leader, she faced a number of issues but regardless of the complexity involved she finds the problems prioritize it and handle all with great efficiency.In Anna’s case, she treks up the North Mountain, irrespective of the fact that the dangerous and life-threatening wolves are there, freezing cold, and a pungent reindeer. Likewise, as a leader, people will understand you have credibility once you take on a problem, but they’ll believe it once you are taking decisive action. In the end what matters the most, is actions, not words, which are the identity of a true leader.
The lessons one can take away from this movie:
a)Never run away from your problems, always face them.
b)Teamwork is key to success, a leader alone cannot do everything.
c)Situational leadership is very important, one can't act in the same manner every time.
d)When people trust you never leave their side, always protect them and encourage them.
e)Have a clear vision of whats need to be done,
f)Adapt and improvise, things will never go te same way you have planned.
g)Willing to take risk and step up especially in a condition when no one else is.
h)Be calm and composed so that you can think of best solution of the problems to come out with same as Anna do in every situation.