
In: Computer Science

List three (3) internal stakeholders and three (3) external stakeholders that may be involved in developing...

List three (3) internal stakeholders and three (3) external stakeholders that may be involved in developing programs and describe how could facilitate their input in program development.


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A Stakeholder can be defined as a person who has something to gain/ loose through the outcomes process, program or project. In other words we can say that they are either person, organization, social group, or society having a stake in the project. Thus, stakeholders can be both internal(e.g. coder, tester or anyone from the project itself) or external(e.g. neighbors, political groups etc.) in nature. Internal stakeholders are managers and employees having some influence on the project whereas, external stakeholders are those who have no direct influence to the projects but can influence indirectly the activities of the project in various ways.

Three internal stakeholders with three input in development are as follows:-

  1. Team leader:- A team leader is the one who is continuously monitoring the peer workers progress and he the one who is responsible for the transfer of information from the ground level to the project manager. A team leader plays an important part as he is the one who knows all the pros and cons of his team and he has the capability to manage all by dividing tasks to the one best suited. One Team leader is the initial parameter that checks all about work in details and keep the higher authority updated.
  2. Project manager:- A project manger is a person that control various projects as a same time frame, He has appointed many team leads for this purpose to get the update from a day-2-day of weekly basis. The manager makes sure that the work is going as per the schedule and what changes is to be addresses if required on a immediate basis. His work is more efficient as he is the one who acts as an mediator from the delivery manager to the team lead. If anything goes wrong by him both the higher authority and team lead has to suffer.
  3. Delivery manager:- A delivery manager is the one who has the highest power to control all what going on inside the project development. He is the one who interacts with the clients and thus can decide the parameters with them, can schedule the time frame and does the negotiations for the well being of the company. One thing to make note that a manager is also as term suggests has to manage in both the direction so as to run a smooth working environment. There input are providing the details of every work to be done, clarity in what need to be done or what is the actual requirements by the clients, to the team manger so that they can convey there respective leads and so on.

One thing we can see that as all are working towards the betterment of the development, thus they share some common inputs and they are:- clarity of knowledge, best communication between peers, lower members and higher members, various inputs that shall lead to completion of work on time and have financial stake and a direct relationship with the company

Three external stakeholders with three input in development are as follows:

  1. Customers:- Customers are the one for whom all the works are been done. There input are not just simply passing the requirements but to give an detailed explanation about the desired output, Make necessary arrangements to make the development team understand what is actually needed. Make the agreements appropriate for the future references along will the variables test cases they need in their program.
  2. Contractors:- Or simple contract employees are those who are present only to fulfill the desired result in the very mean time till the project ends. They are somewhat need for strategy designing, implementation, possess knowledge and skills with desired networking. There tasks are predefined and they can be both experienced and fresher as per the need of the project. There input should not be matched with full time employees as full time employees results may affect the development team to a great extent while contractors are for some short period of time only. Input are important but are only with respect to the project for certain time only.
  3. Government:- Government is a external stakeholders that may clash with the business direction/ action. It can create a lot of issue for the development team. The inputs may restrict the work flow and thus may cause exceeding the deadlines, resulting a great loss in money and profit. In short, these have no direct control in a company, but surely have their indirect control which affects major business development decisions on great impact.

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