
In: Nursing

Explain at least 3 ways that Executive leader might develop a stronger relationship with stakeholders(internal, external,...

Explain at least 3 ways that Executive leader might develop a stronger relationship with stakeholders(internal, external, and interface) - select one stakeholder group per category.


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The health care delivery system is intended to provide services and resources for better health. This system includes hospitals, clinics, health centers, nursing homes and special health programs in school, industry and community. Stake holders encompass a wide sector of society. They include consumer or patient, community health care professionals, hospital health care professionals, pharmacists, nongovernmental organizations, supplier etc.

Stake holder:

Stake holder is a person, group, organistaion or system who affects and can be affected by an organizational action.

Types of stake holders

External stake holders

Interface stake holders

Internal stake holders

External stake holders

A health care organization must respond to large number of external stakeholders. They fall into three categories in their relationships to the organization.

1. Those that provide inputs to organization.

2. Those that compete with it.

3. Those that have particular special interest.

The first category includes suppliers, patients and Financial community.

·The relationship between the organization and the stakeholders that provide necessary input is one of mutual dependence. As such the both parties cannot, or do not want to, do without one another.

·stakeholders depend on the organization to take their outputs.

·The relationship between the organization and these external stakeholders is a symbiotic (interdependent relationship) one, as organization depends on them for its survival.

· Special interest group are the government regulatory agencies, private accrediting associations, professional associations, labor union, the media and political group. Because of special interest conflicts most often occurs.

·The competitor stakeholder may be direct competitor for patient (e.g. other hospital) or they may be competing for skilled personnel. Competitor does not need one another to survive.

Interface Stakeholders

·Some stakeholders function on the interface between the organization and its environment. The major categories of interface stakeholders include the medical staff, the hospital board of trustees.

·The organization must provide sufficient inducements to continue to make appropriate contribution. The organization may offer professional autonomy institutional prestige or political contacts, special services and benefits etc .

Internal Stakeholders

·Almost entirely within the organization and typically include management, professional and non professional staff.

·Management attempts to provide internal stakeholders with sufficient inducements to gain continual contribution from them.

·The stakeholder determines whether the inducement is sufficient for the contribution that they required on the basis of alternative contribution offer received from competitive.

Types of Stakeholder Relationship

1. Mixed blessing stakeholder relationship.

2. Supportive stakeholder relationship.

3. Non supportive stakeholder relationship.

4. Marginal stakeholder relationship

Mixed blessing stakeholder relationship

With the mixed blessing stakeholder relationship's the health care executive faces a situation in which the stakeholder rank high on both type of potential: threat and co-operation. Physicians-hospital relationships probably are the clear example of this type of relationship.

Supportive Stakeholder Relationship

The ideal stakeholder relationship is one that supports the organization's goals and actions. Managers wish all their relationships were of this type, such a stakeholder is low on potential threat but high on potential co-operation for e.g. the relationships of well managed hospital with its board of trustees, its manager, its staff employees, local community and nursing homes.

Non Supportive Stakeholder Relationship

The most distressing stakeholder relationship for an organization and its manager's are non supportive ones. They are high on potential for threat but low on potential for co-operation. Typical non supportive relationships for hospitals include competing hospitals, employee unions, the federal government, other govt. regulatory agencies the news media.

Marginal stakeholder relationship

The marginal stakeholder relationships are high on neither threatening nor co-operative potential. This type of relationships include professional associations for employees, volunteer groups in community etc, for a well run hospital.

Internal Stakeholders

External Stakeholders

  • Director of Public Health
  • Head of Health Intelligence and Information
  • Procurement
  • Director of Nursing
  • Public Health Strategists
  • Public Health Management Analyst
  • Director of Programmes and Services
  • Research Scientist
  • Communications
  • Environmental Health Intelligence Analyst
  • Public Health Manager
  • Trustees
  • Board committee members
  • Local Authority/council
  • Providers
  • Acute trusts
  • Patients
  • Service users
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Funders
  • Quality assessors
  • LINk group
  • Special interest groups
  • Health visitors/school nurses
  • Wider public health workforce
  • Media

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