
In: Nursing

QUESTION 1: It is legal to transport medical marijuana across state lines. True False QUESTION 2:...

QUESTION 1: It is legal to transport medical marijuana across state lines.



QUESTION 2: The Human Genome Project succeeded in mapping the human _______ sequence.

QUESTION 3: The conscience clause a federal law.



QUESTION 4: What specific law does not allow employers to use genetic information to discriminate against employees or applicants applying for jobs?


Patient Bill of Rights


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act


Conscience Clause


Dickey-Wicker Amendment

QUESTION 5: Select all factors from the list that according to Chapter 9, would be considered when matching organ donations with recipients.


Health of donor and recipient


Income Level




Size of donor and recipient


Education level


Geographic Location


Age of donor and recipient

QUESTION 6: The _____________________________________ states the patients have the right to choose whether to participate or not participate in research studies.


Patient Bill of Rights


National Organ Transplant Act


Affordable Care Act


The Conscience Clause


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