Write a Cause and Effect
Write a 500 word essay (not an email or letter) based on the
writing prompt.
Topic: What are the effects of modern technology on
Write a Cause and Effect
Write a 500 word essay (not an email or letter) based on the
writing prompt.
Topic: What causes a person to become an excellent student?
Write a 500 word essay. Prompt: For this week's assignment, you
are to write an essay in which you explain your stance/perspective
on a topic such as parenting, or adoption.
Write a Cause and Effect Essay. Prompt: Choose ONE of the
following topics for your essay: 1. What impact does frequent
violence (either from war or street violence) have on a community?
2. What effect does social media have on real-life communications?
3. What are the effects of modern technology on children? The
Exploratory Essay must have (500 words minimum)
Write a 500 word Evaluation Essay.
A Memoir about the Impact of a Teacher: For this essay, you need
to write about a teacher who made the greatest impact on you as a
student, and as a person. Please note: you need to evaluate what
the teacher did that made a difference in your life, and then
describe how this teacher impacted your life.
You must choose the essay option I have provided for this
assignment. If you submit an...
Write a 500 word essay on:
Compare the characteristics of the Old Negro and the New Negro
as detailed in Alain Locke's famous essay. Are you persuaded by his
prose that substantial differences between the Old and the New
marked a change toward being black at the beginning of the
twentieth century?
Write a 500-word essay on the following:
Is it ethical for a cohesive team to decide to keep production to a
minimum because they know, from experience, that if they raise it
management will increase their production quotas to unreasonable
Support your position with at least one example.