In: Statistics and Probability
Describe the 4 phases of demographic transition. 2 part question
For each phase, compare crude birth rates (CBR) to
crude death rates (CDR), and state whether the population is
stable, growing, or declining in each.
Explain factors that contribute to changes in CBR and
CDR between phases.
PHASE 1 : Both birth rates and death rates are very high in this phase. It is called pre-industrial soceity.
Here CBR
CDR . The population grows very slowly in this case.
PHASE 2: At this stage, due to dramatic improvement in healthcare, the death rate decreases drastically. Besides good healthcare decreases number of chlid death, which increases BIrth rates.
Here CBR
CDR. As a result, the population increases very fast.
PHASE 3: At this stage, use of contraceptives increases. Moreover increasing female awareness decreases rate of birth.
Here CBR>CDR. At this stage population growth begins to level off, ie the population becomes stable in the long run.
PHASE 4: Here again both the birth and death rates decreses and becomes almost equal.
. ie population growth stops, and leads to declination.
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