
In: Psychology

In research writing, what exactly do we mean by argument? Do we mean taking an extreme...

In research writing, what exactly do we mean by argument? Do we mean taking an extreme position and standing our ground, whether or not the facts support our position? Or do we mean instead convincing our audience by taking a reasonable stance on an issue and supporting our position with appropriate evidence? Define and explain the difference using examples.


Expert Solution

Hello !

In research argument means an idea ,Basically describing what the entire research is about and tries to give evidence on every statement made by backing it up by solid proof here it's not like you can say anything and get away with it you need to have proof and yes here we mean taking a stand to support your statements with reason , proof and evidence for instance say I write in my research that boys like sweets better than girls people or your audience will be like ok but how and if you don't give them proper proof say like a result of a experiment or a survey or something of that sort no one will believe you .for example 2.if i told people that chimpanzees are better in bonding with families and their community than humans and I provide various reaserach results and surveys and videos , observations from over some time then they might believe me easily because there is evidence .

Thankyou, hope this helped

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