
In: Computer Science

Question(on Python). There is a Python program what could solve the simple slide puzzles problem by...

Question(on Python). There is a Python program what could solve the simple slide puzzles problem by A* algorithm. Please fill in the body of the a_star() function.

In order to solve a specific problem, the a_star function needs to know the problem's start state, the desired goal state, and a function that expands a given node. To be precise, this function receives as its input the current state and the goal state and returns a list of pairs of the form (new_state, h'-score). There is exactly one such pair for each of the possible moves in the current state, with new_state being the state resulting from that move, paired with its h'-score. Note that this is not the f'-score but the h'-score, i.e., an (optimistic) estimate of the number of moves needed to reach the goal from the current state. The expand function does not know g’and therefore cannot compute f'; this has to be done by the a_star function.

The a_star function calls the expand function (in this context, slide_expand) in order to expand a node in the search tree, i.e., obtain the states that can be reached from the current one and their h’-scores. Again, please note that these are not f’-scores but h’-scores;
a_star needs to compute the h’-scores for sorting the list of open nodes. Also, note that slide_expand does not (and cannot) check whether it is creating a search cycle, i.e., whether it generates a state that is identical to one of its ancestors; this has to be done by a_star. The given slide_expand function uses the same scoring function as discussed in class – it simply counts the number of mismatched tiles (excluding the empty tile).

Please add code to the a_star function so that slide_solver can find an optimal solution for Example #1 and, in principle, for any slide puzzle. You are not allowed to modify any code outside of the a_star function. Hints: It is best to not use recursion in a_star but rather a loop that expands the next node, prevents any cycles in the search tree, sorts the list of open nodes by their scores, etc., until it finds a solution or determines that there is no solution. It is also a good idea to keep a list of ancestors for every node on the list, i.e., the list of states from the start that the algorithm went through in order to reach this node. When a goal state is reached, this list of ancestors for this node can be returned as the solution.

import numpy as np

example_1_start = np.array([[2, 8, 3],
                           [1, 6, 4],
                           [7, 0, 5]])

example_1_goal = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
                           [8, 0, 4],
                           [7, 6, 5]])
example_2_start = np.array([[ 2,  6,  4,  8],
                            [ 5, 11,  3, 12],
                            [ 7,  0,  1, 15],
                            [10,  9, 13, 14]])

example_2_goal = np.array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
                           [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
                           [ 9, 10, 11, 12],
                           [13, 14, 15,  0]])

# For a given current state, move, and goal, compute the new state and its h'-score and return them as a pair. 
def make_node(state, row_from, col_from, row_to, col_to, goal):
    # Create the new state that results from playing the current move. 
    (height, width) = state.shape
    new_state = np.copy(state)
    new_state[row_to, col_to] = new_state[row_from, col_from]
    new_state[row_from, col_from] = 0
    # Count the mismatched numbers and use this value as the h'-score (estimated number of moves needed to reach the goal).
    mismatch_count = 0
    for i in range(height):
        for j in range(width):
            if new_state[i ,j] > 0 and new_state[i, j] != goal[i, j]:
                mismatch_count += 1
    return (new_state, mismatch_count)

# For given current state and goal state, create all states that can be reached from the current state
# (i.e., expand the current node in the search tree) and return a list that contains a pair (state, h'-score)
# for each of these states.   
def slide_expand(state, goal):
    node_list = []
    (height, width) = state.shape
    (empty_row, empty_col) = np.argwhere(state == 0)[0]     # Find the position of the empty tile
    # Based on the positin of the empty tile, find all possible moves and add a pair (new_state, h'-score)
    # for each of them.
    if empty_row > 0:
        node_list.append(make_node(state, empty_row - 1, empty_col, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_row < height - 1:
        node_list.append(make_node(state, empty_row + 1, empty_col, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_col > 0:
        node_list.append(make_node(state, empty_row, empty_col - 1, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_col < width - 1:
        node_list.append(make_node(state, empty_row, empty_col + 1, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    return node_list
# TO DO: Return either the solution as a list of states from start to goal or [] if there is no solution.               
def a_star(start, goal, expand):
    return []

# Find and print a solution for a given slide puzzle, i.e., the states we need to go through 
# in order to get from the start state to the goal state.
def slide_solver(start, goal):
    solution = a_star(start, goal, slide_expand)
    if not solution:
        print('This puzzle has no solution. Please stop trying to fool me.')
    (height, width) = start.shape
    if height * width >= 10:            # If numbers can have two digits, more space is needed for printing
        digits = 2
        digits = 1
    horizLine = ('+' + '-' * (digits + 2)) * width + '+'
    for step in range(len(solution)):
        state = solution[step]
        for row in range(height):
            for col in range(width):
                print('| %*d'%(digits, state[row, col]), end=' ')
        if step < len(solution) - 1:
            space = ' ' * (width * (digits + 3) // 2)
            print(space + '|')
            print(space + 'V')

slide_solver(example_1_start, example_1_goal)       # Find solution to example_1


Expert Solution


import numpy as np

example_1_start = np.array([[2, 8, 3],
                           [1, 6, 4],
                           [7, 0, 5]])

example_1_goal = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
                           [8, 0, 4],
                           [7, 6, 5]])

example_2_start = np.array([[ 2,  6,  4,  8],
                            [ 5, 11,  3, 12],
                            [ 7,  0,  1, 15],
                            [10,  9, 13, 14]])

example_2_goal = np.array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
                           [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
                           [ 9, 10, 11, 12],
                           [13, 14, 15,  0]])

# For a given current state, move, and goal, compute the new state and its h'-score and return them as a pair. 
def make_node(state, row_from, col_from, row_to, col_to, goal):
    # Create the new state that results from playing the current move. 
    (height, width) = state.shape
    new_state = np.copy(state)
    new_state[row_to, col_to] = new_state[row_from, col_from]
    new_state[row_from, col_from] = 0
    # Count the mismatched numbers and use this value as the h'-score (estimated number of moves needed to reach the goal).
    mismatch_count = 0
    for i in range(height):
        for j in range(width):
            if new_state[i ,j] > 0 and new_state[i, j] != goal[i, j]:
                mismatch_count += 1
    return (new_state, mismatch_count)

# For given current state and goal state, create all states that can be reached from the current state
# (i.e., expand the current node in the search tree) and return a list that contains a pair (state, h'-score)
# for each of these states.   
def slide_expand(state, goal):
    node_list = []
    (height, width) = state.shape
    (empty_row, empty_col) = np.argwhere(state == 0)[0]     # Find the position of the empty tile
    # Based on the positin of the empty tile, find all possible moves and add a pair (new_state, h'-score)
    # for each of them.
    if empty_row > 0:
        node_list.append(make_node(state, empty_row - 1, empty_col, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_row < height - 1:
        node_list.append(make_node(state, empty_row + 1, empty_col, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_col > 0:
        node_list.append(make_node(state, empty_row, empty_col - 1, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_col < width - 1:
        node_list.append(make_node(state, empty_row, empty_col + 1, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    return node_list
# TO DO: Return either the solution as a list of states from start to goal or [] if there is no solution.               
def a_star(start, goal, expand):
    #calculate h'-score of start state
    (height, width) = start.shape
    mismatch_count = 0
    #save start state and its h'-score into open_list
    open_list = [([start],mismatch_count)]
    #compare start state and goal
    compare_array = np.array_equal(open_list[0][0][-1], goal)
    #check whether reach the goal state
    while not compare_array:
        #create all states that can be reached from the current state and return state and h'-score
        node_list = expand(open_list[0][0][-1], goal) 
        #check new states and delete same states as ancestors to avoid a search cycle
        node_list_del = []
        for i in range(len(node_list)):
            for j in range(len(open_list[0][0])):
                if np.array_equal(node_list[i][0],open_list[0][0][j]):
        for i in sorted(node_list_del,reverse=True):
            del node_list[i] 
        # if node_list is empty, which means all the new states are same as ancestors, then delete first element of open_list
        if len(node_list) == 0:
            del open_list[0]
        # if node_list is not empty, add all the children states and their f'-scores(current_depth + h'-score) in open_list
            for i in range(len(node_list)):
                # copy open_list 
                ancestor = open_list[0][0].copy()
                #save each new state and its ancestors into a list, and calculate its f'-score
            # remove the expanded node
            del open_list[0]
            #sort f'-score of the list of open_list
            for i in range(0, len(open_list)):           
                for j in range(0, len(open_list)-i-1):  
                    if (open_list[j][1] > open_list[j + 1][1]):  
                        a = open_list[j]  
                        open_list[j]= open_list[j + 1]  
                        open_list[j + 1]= a 
        #if open_list is empty, which means that the problem does not have a solution, return empty list
        if len(open_list) == 0:
            return []
        # choose the smallest f'-score for next round
        compare_array = np.array_equal(open_list[0][0][-1], goal)
    return open_list[0][0]

# Find and print a solution for a given slide puzzle, i.e., the states we need to go through 
# in order to get from the start state to the goal state.
def slide_solver(start, goal):
    solution = a_star(start, goal, slide_expand)
    if not solution:
        print('This puzzle has no solution. Please stop trying to fool me.')
    (height, width) = start.shape
    if height * width >= 10:            # If numbers can have two digits, more space is needed for printing
        digits = 2
        digits = 1
    horizLine = ('+' + '-' * (digits + 2)) * width + '+'
    for step in range(len(solution)):
        state = solution[step]
        for row in range(height):
            for col in range(width):
                print('| %*d'%(digits, state[row, col]), end=' ')
        if step < len(solution) - 1:
            space = ' ' * (width * (digits + 3) // 2)
            print(space + '|')
            print(space + 'V')

#slide_solver(example_1_start, example_1_goal)       # Find solution to example_1

# For a given current state, move, and goal, compute the new state and its h'-score and return them as a pair. 
def make_node_improved(state, row_from, col_from, row_to, col_to, goal):
    # Create the new state that results from playing the current move. 
    (height, width) = state.shape
    new_state = np.copy(state)
    new_state[row_to, col_to] = new_state[row_from, col_from]
    new_state[row_from, col_from] = 0
    # Count the mismatched numbers and use this value as the h'-score (estimated number of moves needed to reach the goal).
    distance_sum = 0
    new_state_list = list(new_state.flatten())
    goal_state_list = list(goal.flatten())
    for i in new_state_list:
        new_index = new_state_list.index(i)
        goal_index = goal_state_list.index(i)
        new_i, new_j = new_index // int(np.sqrt(len(new_state_list))), new_index % int(np.sqrt(len(new_state_list)))
        goal_i, goal_j = goal_index // int(np.sqrt(len(goal_state_list))), goal_index % int(np.sqrt(len(goal_state_list)))
        distance_sum += abs(new_i - goal_i) + abs(new_j- goal_j)
    return (new_state, distance_sum)

# For given current state and goal state, create all states that can be reached from the current state
# (i.e., expand the current node in the search tree) and return a list that contains a pair (state, h'-score)
# for each of these states.   
def slide_expand_improved(state, goal):
    node_list = []
    (height, width) = state.shape
    (empty_row, empty_col) = np.argwhere(state == 0)[0]     # Find the position of the empty tile
    # Based on the positin of the empty tile, find all possible moves and add a pair (new_state, h'-score)
    # for each of them.
    if empty_row > 0:
        node_list.append(make_node_improved(state, empty_row - 1, empty_col, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_row < height - 1:
        node_list.append(make_node_improved(state, empty_row + 1, empty_col, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_col > 0:
        node_list.append(make_node_improved(state, empty_row, empty_col - 1, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    if empty_col < width - 1:
        node_list.append(make_node_improved(state, empty_row, empty_col + 1, empty_row, empty_col, goal))
    return node_list

# Find and print a solution for a given slide puzzle, i.e., the states we need to go through 
# in order to get from the start state to the goal state.
def slide_solver_improved(start, goal):
    solution = a_star(start, goal, slide_expand_improved)
    if not solution:
        print('This puzzle has no solution. Please stop trying to fool me.')
    (height, width) = start.shape
    if height * width >= 10:            # If numbers can have two digits, more space is needed for printing
        digits = 2
        digits = 1
    horizLine = ('+' + '-' * (digits + 2)) * width + '+'
    for step in range(len(solution)):
        state = solution[step]
        for row in range(height):
            for col in range(width):
                print('| %*d'%(digits, state[row, col]), end=' ')
        if step < len(solution) - 1:
            space = ' ' * (width * (digits + 3) // 2)
            print(space + '|')
            print(space + 'V')

slide_solver_improved(example_1_start, example_1_goal)



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