In: Computer Science
The ( ) method will be called if a method is called from within a subclass that overrides a super class method.
In Java the ( ) keyword is used to prevent changes being made to a variable.
The property of ( ) refers to the ability of an object to take on many forms.
In Java, a character constant’s value is its integer value in the ( ) character set.
An interface requires each of the interface’s methods to be ( ) or declared abstract.
The ( ) statement forces an exception object to be generated.
Through the process of ( ) , a programmer hides all but the relevant data about an object in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.
Re-implementing an inherited method in a subclass to perform a different task from the parent class is called ( ) .
In a class definition, the special method that is called to create an instance of that class is known as a/an ( ) .
In Java, objects are passed as ( ) addresses.
List of words to choose from
Double, literal, overriding, bytecode, implemented, polymorphism, subclass, catch, protected, throws, constructor, interface, unicode, inheritance, int, overloading, memory, class, string, private, throw, main, extends, final, string literal, runtime, abstraction, prublic, jvm
The ( overiding ) method will be called if a method is called from within a subclass that overrides a super class method.
In Java the ( final ) keyword is used to prevent changes being made to a variable.
The property of ( polymorphism ) refers to the ability of an object to take on many forms.
In Java, a character constant’s value is its integer value in the ( unicode ) character set.
An interface requires each of the interface’s methods to be ( implemented ) or declared abstract.
The ( throw ) statement forces an exception object to be generated.
Through the process of ( abstraction ) , a programmer hides all but the relevant data about an object in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.
Re-implementing an inherited method in a subclass to perform a different task from the parent class is called ( overriding ) .
In a class definition, the special method that is called to create an instance of that class is known as a/an ( constructor ) .
In Java, objects are passed as ( memory ) addresses.