
In: Computer Science

C. Design a RandomCipher class as a subclass of the substitutionCipher from exercise P-3.40, so that...

C. Design a RandomCipher class as a subclass of the substitutionCipher from exercise P-3.40, so that each instance of the class relies on a random permutation of letters for its mapping.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <ctime>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class SubstitutionCipher



    //Define your key which is a permutation of 26 alphabets

    string key;




    //Constructor to create an instance which initializes the key with the given permutation

    SubstitutionCipher(string k)


        key = k;


    //function to encode a string

    string encode(string data)


        //initialize encoded data

        string encodedData = data;

        //replace each character in encodedData with the corresponding mapped data in key. We subtract a char with 'A' to get its position

        for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++)

            encodedData[i] = - 'A');

        //return the encoded data

        return encodedData;


    //function to decode a string

    string decode(string data)


        //initialize decoded data

        string decodedData = data;

        //replace each character in decodedData with the corresponding reverse mapped data in key. We add the position with 'A' to get the corresponding char

        for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++)

            decodedData[i] = key.find( + 'A';

        //return the decoded data

        return decodedData;



//RandomCipher is a subclass of SubstitutionCipher which initializes the key with random permutation

class RandomCipher : public SubstitutionCipher





        key = getRandomKey();


    string getRandomKey()


        int m = 26;


        bool repeat = false;

        string key = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

        char letter;

        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)




                repeat = false;

                letter = rand() % 26 + 65;   // generate new random number

                for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) // iterate through the already generated numbers


                    if (letter == key[j])

                    { // if the generated number already exists, do the while again

                        repeat = true;




            } while (repeat);

            key[i] = letter; // assign the unique number

            repeat = false;


        return key;



int main()


    RandomCipher cipher;

    string data = "DEBAJYOTI";

    string encodedData = cipher.encode(data);

    cout << data << " encoded as " << encodedData << endl;

    string decodedData = cipher.decode(encodedData);

    cout << encodedData << " decoded as " << decodedData;




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