2. What does women’s employment during World War II reveal about social constraints on behavior with...

2. What does women’s employment during World War II reveal about social constraints on behavior with regard to gender?

In: Psychology

Any thought, emotion, or behavior is influenced by numerous neural clusters and brain structures functioning together....

Any thought, emotion, or behavior is influenced by numerous neural clusters and brain structures functioning together. For the action of Language Processing Write the name and functions for each of the 5 brain areas involved in Language processing(note these are numbered in sequence of steps in language processing)

Explain the concept of PLASTICITY, citing text and specific examples:

In: Psychology

3. What is the relationship between sex and gender? Provide an example of the difference between...

3. What is the relationship between sex and gender? Provide an example of the difference between gender identity and gender expression

In: Psychology

Design an original psychological experiment. Identify the following: (5) Hypothesis: Experimental design: Independent variable and how...

  1. Design an original psychological experiment. Identify the following: (5)
    1. Hypothesis:
    2. Experimental design:
    3. Independent variable and how it’ll be manipulated/introduced:
    4. Dependent variable and how it’ll be measured:
    5. Ethics or potential issues with the study:

In: Psychology

discuss the importance of the clinical interview. Write from the point of view of a therapist...

discuss the importance of the clinical interview. Write from the point of view of a therapist include how you might feel about a counselor who is taking notes during the interview and how you might feel about receiving a diagnosis.

In: Psychology

The article "Lumen International Conference Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty (LUMEN 2013)' Media Violence and the...

The article "Lumen International Conference Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty (LUMEN 2013)'

Media Violence and the Cathartic Effect by Maria Florea (4p)

Which of the theories explored in the article do you feel best explains the relationship between the cathartic effect and media violence? Be sure to support your logic with empirical findings. Based on this logic do you feel that the cathartic effect can be applied to other areas of deviance outside of aggressive manifestations?

I want an answer please for this Q

In: Psychology

Do you agree with Coser that the presence of conflict is actually a sign of a...

  • Do you agree with Coser that the presence of conflict is actually a sign of a society's good health? Why or why not?

In: Psychology

A developmental psychologist wanted to know whether watching videos aimed at increasing the cognitive abilities of...

A developmental psychologist wanted to know whether watching videos aimed at increasing the cognitive abilities of toddlers (e.g., Baby Einstein) really helped.  He recruited 30 families from the local community with a child from 18 months to 24 months in the home.    Parents in the experimental group were instructed to have their toddler watch the video for 10 minutes per day for 4 weeks.   Parents in the control condition spent the same amount of time playing with their toddlers.    The psychologist was also interested in whether social economic status (SES) might be a factor in the effectiveness of the videos and so half of the families in each condition had household incomes of less than $30,000 per year and the other half of the families had incomes over $60,000 per year.   At the end of the 4-week test period the developmental psychologist visited each home and administered a standardized knowledge test appropriate for that age level.   The results showed that the watching the videos did in fact result in higher scores on the knowledge test but only for the low socio economic status families.  No differences were found for the high SES families.

1. What type of research design was used?

2. How many independent variables and how many levels of each independent variable were there?

3. Did the results show an interaction? Do we know if main effects were found?

4. Can you think of some ways to improve the study?

In: Psychology

Describe the basic features of antisocial personality disorder. Why is psychotherapy with this population so likely...

Describe the basic features of antisocial personality disorder. Why is psychotherapy with this population so likely to fail? Be sure to cite your references used in answering this discussion board

In: Psychology

Please read and answer the question below. Quelling? ?Violence? ?in? ?Our? ?Country One? ?only? ?has? ?to?...

Please read and answer the question below.

Quelling? ?Violence? ?in? ?Our? ?Country

One? ?only? ?has? ?to? ?turn? ?to? ?social? ?media? ?or? ?the? ?news? ?to? ?conclude? ?we? ?have? ?a? ?major? ?problem? ?in? ?our country? ?with? ?human? ?violence.? ?? ?It? ?seems? ?like? ?every? ?day? ?we? ?read? ?in? ?the? ?paper? ?yet? ?another? ?teenager was? ?assaulted? ?or? ?even? ?shot? ?at? ?school? ?or? ?even? ?off? ?campus? ?(as? ?a? ?result? ?of? ?events? ?which? ?occur? ?on campus).? ?? ?In? ?Ridgewood? ?NJ,? ?last? ?week,? ?a? ?teenager? ?had? ?his? ?skull? ?fractured? ?when? ?he? ?stood? ?up? ?to? ?a friend? ?who? ?was? ?being? ?bullied? ?for? ?some? ?weeks? ?before.? ?? ?I? ?hear? ?some? ?parents? ?blaming? ?the? ?internet. They? ?say? ?children? ?are? ?watching? ?videos? ?on? ?youtube? ?about? ?how? ?to? ?build? ?explosive? ?devices? ?or? ?build guns.? ?? ?But? ?folks? ?were? ?hurting? ?and? ?shooting? ?each? ?other? ?for? ?a? ?long? ?while? ?in? ?history? ?before? ?the internet? ?came? ?to? ?be? ?so? ?popular. Other? ?people? ?blame? ?guns? ?and? ?the? ?lack? ?of? ?stronger? ?gun? ?laws? ?in? ?America.? ?? ?They? ?say? ?that? ?if? ?there were? ?more? ?laws? ?constraining? ?the? ?ability? ?to? ?buy? ?and? ?keep? ?guns,? ?there? ?would? ?not? ?be? ?so? ?much violence.? ?? ?It’s? ?likely? ?that? ?if? ?we? ?had? ?more? ?or? ?stronger? ?gun? ?laws,? ?the? ?criminals? ?who? ?hurt? ?or? ?shoot others? ?would? ?simply? ?be? ?breaking? ?more? ?laws? ?in? ?the? ?process? ?of? ?their? ?commission? ?of? ?violence? ?and that? ?would? ?not? ?reduce? ?the? ?numbers? ?of? ?gun? ?deaths. “Still? ?others? ?think? ?that? ?the? ?depiction? ?of? ?vivid? ?violence? ?in? ?movies? ?and? ?in? ?video? ?games? ?is? ?the? ?cause of? ?the? ?violence.? ?People? ?were? ?violent? ?long? ?before? ?video? ?games? ?and? ?movies? ?came? ?along.? ?People are? ?putting? ?the? ?blame? ?in? ?the? ?wrong? ?place.? ?The? ?reason? ?there? ?is? ?so? ?much? ?violence? ?today? ?is because? ?we? ?have? ?lost? ?our? ?moral? ?character.? ?If? ?there? ?had? ?been? ?a? ?copy? ?of? ?the? ?Ten? ?Commandments on? ?the? ?walls? ?of? ?the? ?classrooms? ?at? ?Columbine? ?High? ?in? ?Colorado,? ?those? ?boys? ?never? ?would? ?have killed? ?all? ?those? ?people.? ?If? ?there? ?had? ?been? ?required? ?prayer? ?every? ?day? ?from? ?kindergarten? ?on? ?up, violence? ?in? ?America? ?would? ?be? ?almost? ?non-existent. I? ?know? ?there? ?will? ?be? ?skeptics? ?who? ?will? ?say,? ?“But? ?Stalin? ?was? ?a? ?seminarian? ?and? ?Hitler? ?sang? ?in? ?the church? ?choir.”? ?These? ?claims? ?are? ?true,? ?but? ?Stalin? ?and? ?Hitler? ?are? ?exceptions? ?that? ?prove? ?the? ?rule. Slobodan? ?Milosovic? ?may? ?have? ?been? ?raised? ?in? ?a? ?religious? ?household? ?but? ?that? ?does? ?not? ?disprove my? ?135? ?point.? ?He? ?lost? ?faith? ?in? ?God? ?at? ?some? ?point,? ?as? ?did? ?Stalin? ?and? ?Hitler.? ?Had? ?they? ?kept? ?the? ?faith, they? ?would? ?not? ?have? ?become? ?so? ?evil. We? ?need? ?to? ?return? ?to? ?the? ?days? ?when? ?we? ?all? ?worshipped? ?the? ?same? ?God? ?on? ?Sunday.? ?Only? ?then? ?will we? ?return? ?to? ?the? ?days? ?of? ?peace? ?and? ?quiet? ?our? ?ancestors? ?used? ?to? ?know.? ?Science? ?will? ?prove? ?me right.? ?There? ?have? ?been? ?studies? ?that? ?have? ?shown? ?that? ?people? ?who? ?pray? ?live? ?longer? ?than? ?people who? ?don’t.? ?Moreover,? ?prayer? ?has? ?been? ?shown? ?to? ?help? ?the? ?sick? ?recover? ?more? ?quickly. Thus,? ?we? ?must? ?have? ?a? ?constitutional? ?amendment? ?to? ?require? ?prayer? ?in? ?our? ?public? ?and? ?private schools.? ?This? ?notion? ?is? ?supported? ?by? ?former? ?Vice-President? ?Sam? ?Snail? ?and? ?by? ?Senator? ?Leeroy Smart;? ?both? ?start? ?each? ?day? ?with? ?a? ?prayer? ?and? ?have? ?not? ?shot? ?anyone? ?in? ?all? ?their? ?days? ?on? ?Earth. Only? ?when? ?we? ?require? ?every? ?school? ?child? ?to? ?pray,? ?will? ?there? ?be? ?an? ?end? ?to? ?the? ?violence? ?that plagues? ?our? ?nation.” 1. ? ?What? ?is? ?the? ?main? ?conclusion? ?of? ?this? ?argument? 2. What? ?are? ?the? ?author’s’? ?premises? 3. Are? ?there? ?any? ?fallacies? ?in? ?the? ?author’s? ?(sub)arguments? 4. Are? ?there? ?any? ?irrelevancies? ?in? ?the? ?author’s? ?(sub)arguments? 5. Do? ?you? ?think? ?the? ?argument? ?about? ?having? ?more? ?gun? ?laws? ?is? ?persuasive? ?for? ?the? ?conclusion of? ?this? ?argument? 6. Are? ?all? ?of? ?the? ?author’s? ?(sub)arguments? ?supported? 7. Summarize? ?the? ?author’s? ?main? ?conclusion? ?argument? ?in? ?two? ?sentences. 8. Write? ?three? ?sentences? ?about? ?the? ?soundness? ?of? ?the? ?conclusion.

In: Psychology

Firstly, describe how the Catholic Church understands lay vocations. Secondly, reflect on the following prompt: The...

Firstly, describe how the Catholic Church understands lay vocations.

Secondly, reflect on the following prompt: The contemporary age focuses much on choosing one’s ‘career’. This is quite different from the idea of ‘vocation’, which involves a relationship with the world around the person, indeed even one’s relationship with truth itself. The Catholic Church emphasizes vocation in part because it asks the person to consider what gifts he/she has that could be used to build up the community and to respond to the call of the Creator. It involves great introspection and honesty regarding strengths and weaknesses. It involves the examination of conscience and an assessment of the world around.

Do you think primarily of career, or vocation, and why? Has this chapter changed anything for you?

In: Psychology

What is the "false self system"? What are some examples of the false self? Why is...

What is the "false self system"? What are some examples of the false self? Why is it apart of our personalities?

In: Psychology

Why is love especially important to young adults, specifically in the United States? How are marriage...

Why is love especially important to young adults, specifically in the United States? How are marriage trends changing in the United States and other parts of the world?

Your response should be 5 paragraphs in length. Be mindful of using proper grammar and spelling. Please be specific in your example.

In: Psychology

2. Discuss the essentialia of Lease Agreement (10 Marks). In support of your answers make reference...

2. Discuss the essentialia of Lease Agreement . In support of your answers make reference to relevant legal authorities.

In: Psychology

Discuss how to minimize the problems of fatigue, boredom, or practice effects in within-subject designs

Discuss how to minimize the problems of fatigue, boredom, or practice effects in within-subject designs

In: Psychology