
In: Economics

21. One of the reasons that channels of distribution often pose longevity problems is __________. most...

21. One of the reasons that channels of distribution often pose longevity problems is __________.

most middlemen do not maintain sufficient inventory to serve customers
some middlemen lack product knowledge resulting in low sales volume
most middlemen have little loyalty to their vendors
most middlemen tend to slow down distribution to extract higher commissions
none of the above

22. No matter which level of distribution is examined, there is a clear correlation between the middleman's ___________ and sales volume produced.

closeness to the manufacturer
degree of freedom

23. Technically, e-commerce is a form of which of the following forms of selling?

direct selling
parallel selling
dual selling
mass selling
nondirected selling

24. Which of the following countries is NOT considered as a BEM (big emerging market)?

South Africa

25. Which of the following explains why most of the companies with Indian operations are saying that they are not leaving, but planning on expanding their Indian operations?

Government machinery is one of the most efficient in the world.
Living standards for expatriates are comparable to the world's best.
Qualified labor is cheap, and the market potential is massive.
Proximity to China makes sourcing of parts easier.
Paying bribes simplifies otherwise complex procedural hurdles.

26. C. K. Prahalad and associates introduced the concept of a global market, not necessarily defined by national borders but rather by the pockets of poverty across countries, and consisting of 4 billion people across the globe with annual incomes of less than $1,200. These consumers, concentrated in the LDCs and LLDCs, are referred to as _____ markets.


27. Which of the following represents the misconception that leads international markets to ignore the bottom-of-the-pyramid markets?

Most products will be too expensive to be appropriate for BOPMs.
Most BOPMs are geographically isolated and thus difficult to access.
Protective policies make BOPMs difficult to penetrate.
Exchange-rate fluctuations make BOPMs very volatile.
Language and cultural barriers make BOPMs unattractive and sometimes hostile.

28. Assuming that the international marketer has produced the right product, initiated the proper channel of distribution, and promoted goods and services correctly, the effort can fail badly if the international marketer fails to: (pick the best answer)

inform the host government of all its marketing objectives.
properly price the goods or services.
work through union representatives.
consider the environmental impact of its goods or services.
deliver the product to the correct place at the correct time.

29. Traditionally, the decision of which pricing policy firms should follow depends on all of the following EXCEPT:

the level of competition.
environmental changes.
the innovativeness of the product.
market characteristics.
company characteristics

30. The distribution process includes all of the following EXCEPT:

physical handling of goods.
promotion of goods and services.
passage of ownership (title).
buying and selling negotiations.
physical distribution of goods.


Expert Solution

21.One of the reasons that channels of distribution often pose longevity problems is

most middlemen have little loyalty to their vendors

(The channels of distribution pose longevity problems because most middlemen are not loyal towards their vendors.Their loyalty often changes with their preferences and opportunities available.)

22.No matter which level of distribution is examined there is a clear correlation between the middleman's MOTIVATION and the sales volume produced.

(At every level of distribution,there is a direct relationship between the middleman's level of motivation and the sales volume.So higher the level of motivation of the middleman the more is the quantity of sales volume and vice versa.)

23.Technically E-commerce is a form of which of the following forms of selling?

Direct selling

(E-commerce eliminates the middlemen and directly reaches the consumers and so it is a direct form of selling.)

24.Which of the following is NOT considered as a BEM(Big Emerging Market)


(Big Emerging markets are countries are investing in more production capacity.China,South Africa,Mexico as well as Brazil are all considered as BEM)

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