In: Psychology
Please choose ONE of the following FOUR questions and write an initial discussion post of at least 300 words, include links to all sources used and references as appropriate. Please give a substantive response of at least 100 words to at least three other students. One of your responses should be to the question that you did not address in your initial discussion post. 1. EXPLORE MUSIC AND DANCE The readings and videos introduced themes and issues related to exploring music and dance as phenomena of culture. There are a great many more to consider: children’s music and dance, music and dance for the elderly, music and dance among people with disabilities, or spirituals in African American history. Find a video related to one of these, embed it in your post, and examine one of these areas (or another related topic) in detail and make sure to use at least two concepts, terms etc. about music and dance you or your classmates posted in Discussion 3.1. 2. CREATE A RINGSHOUT If you decide to create a Ringshout and can make a video, share a file containing the video and discuss the experience of learning about the Ringshout and the process of creating it. 3. PARTICIPATE IN A DANCE Participate in a style of dance that is new to you. Your local community may offer free or low cost opportunities such as contra dancing or line dancing. If live musicians are present, what instruments are used? Do some research on this style of dance, discussing its cultural context, history and origins as well as your impressions based on your active participation as a dancer. Be sure to embed a video example of this kind of dance in your post. 4. EXPLORE SYMPHONY, CHORUS, OR OPERA Using an Internet search engine, locate the nearest symphony orchestra, chorus (chorale) or opera company to your home or office, or one that you would like to visit in the future. Share the URL (website location) and describe some of the works being performed this season. Are the works on the programs all by 18th and 19th century European male composers (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, etc.) or did you find some diversity among the composers? Check for special programs for families with children or special ticket prices for students. Does the organization have a public outreach program such as the award-winning "Voices Within," an artist residency program designed by the Los Angeles Master Chorale that teaches fifth grade students how to tap their creative voices to compose and perform their own original songs? If you were to attend one of the performances you have discovered, what two tools from Discussion 3.1 that you or your classmates posted might you find useful to have in mind when viewing the performance?
Answer 3: The style of dance chosen is “bachata”, it originates from Latin America and was intially discovered in the first half of the 20th century.It is a blend of African, American and Indigenous musical elements which makes it vivacious.Many confuse bachata with salsa, but the truth is that bachata indeed is very different from salsa.Bachata,unlike salsa, does not involve many turn movements or patterns.The dancers can chose between an “open” or “close” (romantic) position and the type of music used for the same depends accordingly.In the case of “open” position, fast music is used which leads to the involvement of increased footwork, while on the other hand “close” position involves fewer foot movements and slower music, though this might not be true in some cases.
There are various types of bachata such as the western “traditional” bachata,moderna bachata, bachata sensual, ballroom bachata, etc.All these forms have been developed during the years by combining various other dance forms to bachata, hence creating a sort of a fusion.The most authentic bachata performances can be seen in the Caribbean regions.
The musical instruments used diring bachata performances are,rhythm guitar, electric guitar,requinto,bass guitar,bongo drums, etc.The first composition of Bachata music was recorded and composed by Jose Manuel Calderon from the Dominican Republic.