In: Computer Science
What are some Linux Server operating system failover technologies?
1) Linux isn't pre-installed - No matter how much we may debate it, having Windows pre-installed on PCs means that's what people are likely to end up using. In order for someone to move over to Linux on the desktop, there must be a clear reason to do so. There is the problem. The only time I've personally seen users make the switch over to Linux from Windows comes down to frustration with Windows or a desire to advance their skills into an IT field.
My own Linux story, for example, was a mixture of the two examples above. First off, I was just done with Windows. I had already been dabbling with Linux at the time I completely switched, but I become disenfranchised with the Microsoft way of doing things. So for me, the switch to Linux was based out of frustration.
Had I not experienced any frustrations with Windows, I might not have ever thought to jump ship over to an alternative. Even when I built my own PCs myself, the OS offered at computer stores was Windows only. This is a huge hurdle for Linux adoption on the desktop.
2) Linux freedom vs convenience - It's been my experience that people expect a user experience that's consistent and convenience. How one defines this depends on the individual user. For some, it's a matter of familiarity or perceived dependability. For more advanced PC users, a consistent convenience may mean a preferred workflow or specific applications.
The greater takeaway is that when people are aware of other operating systems, they will usually stick with that they've used the longest. This presents a problem when getting people to try Linux. When using a desktop platform for a long time, you develop habits and expectations that don't lend themselves well to change.
3) Linux lacks legacy software - Expanding on the idea of convenience, another challenge is enticing those who have legacy applications only found on Windows. Even if we consider suggesting Linux-specific software alternatives, we're expecting users to change existing workflows. I've found most people to be resistant to this. Not because one type of application is better or worse than another. After all, this is a matter of personal perspective. No, the real issue is that users have existing workflows, file types and overall application expectations. Switching away from this doesn't always go all that well.
4) Linux networking isn't for the faint of heart - Networking in Linux is reliable, however, it's reliant on understanding the differences between Windows and Linux networking. In Linux, both Samba and NFS file sharing are conf file based. And while it's not difficult to learn, it's not going to be as straightforward as you might find with Windows.
On the flip side, connecting to the network itself is incredibly simple. Wired or wireless, modern Linux distros handle connecting to a network in a seamless manner. But it's unfortunate that even with the most newbie friendly distros, you need to drop to a command prompt to create a Samba password or edit a conf file for an NFS share.
5) Linux video card support is tricky - From a basic perspective, graphics card support works just fine in Linux. However, things become a bit muddled when you bundle in Wayland vs X. Two different display server options mean different benefits and downsides when choosing one vs another. Some distros use Wayland as the default, which means some X reliant applications won't work.
Then there are the laptops with shared graphics. Laptops with NVIDIA/Intel graphics tend to be the biggest challenges with some Linux distros. I've found this to be one of the most common issues facing newer Linux users. Granted, graphics switching has gotten a lot better over the years. But it's still distro dependent and sometimes upgrades can throw new issues into the mix.
Last, there is the issue of choosing the right driver type. In some distros, a FoSS friendly driver is set by default. But in other distros, a proprietary option is the default. On the surface this doesn't seem like an issue, but it does add to some confusion.
6) Linux PulseAudio sound server is confusing - Linux audio is actually pretty good. However, the PulseAudio sound server sitting on top of the audio architecture is out of touch and out of sync. The fact that I can adjust the volume with PulseAudio yet if the sound device is muted in alsamixer it must be dealt with at the alsamixer level blows my mind. If you're going to layer a sound server on top of ALSA, make darn sure it syncs up its adjustments between sound server and architecture.
Making matters worse is the fact that most popular desktop environments don't fully take advantage of what PulseAudio has to offer. Most desktops lack Recording and Playback tabs in the volume control settings. When you launch a Hangouts session or play music, you might wish to route said audio to different playback devices. With most distros, this requires you to use padevchooser.
7) Linux lacks triple A gaming titles - Linux gaming has come a long way. Thanks to Valve, and others, Linux gaming has evolved tremendously in recent years. The title availability and desire from developers to include Linux in their operating support has been fantastic. That said, there is still a lot of improvement to be had with Linux gaming.
What about premium ones that you can pay for?
Red Hat Enterprise Linux is exactly what its name implies—a distribution of Linux specifically designed for use in an enterprise setting. It is made up of packages that are known to be proven and reliable, and guaranteed to create a fully-functional, out-of-the-box experience for the end-user. You can even purchase long-term technical support from Red Hat for the system.
Red Hat starts with Fedora, a freely-available and very popular distro, which it uses as a test bed for new features and technologies which are brought into Linux. Because Fedora is used by a lot of people around the world, Red Hat gets free “beta testing” of all of the cutting-edge developments in Linux. Once these things are proven to be reliable by being successfully used “in the wild” by Fedora users, they are folded into the latest release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This causes RHEL to not be the most up-to-date distro, but it does make it rock-solid reliable, which is what enterprise customers want from their operating system.
Red Hat isn’t really in the business of “selling Linux.” Anyone can get Linux for free. You can download Fedora anytime you wish, and you can even download the source code for RHEL and compile it yourself if you wanted to run that and not pay Red Hat. There is even a distro based on compiled RHEL source code, called CentOS, but they have to remove all references to Red Hat before they release it. What Red Hat, the company, sells is actually technical support for their products. They will help you install and deploy Linux throughout your organization, give you regular updates, and help you resolve any issues after deployment.
What are some Windows Server operating system failover technologies?
What about premium ones that you can pay for?
Windows Media Center (WMC) is a discontinued
digital video recorder andmedia player created by Microsoft. Media
Center was first introduced to Windows in 2002 on a dedicated
edition of Windows XP (Windows XP Media Center Edition). It was
available on Home Premium and Ultimate editions of Windows Vista,
as well as all versions of Windows 7 except Starter and Home Basic.
It was available on Windows 8and Windows 8.1 as a paid
Media Center can play slideshows, videos and music from local hard
drives, optical drives and network locations. Users can stream
television programs and filmsthrough selected services such as
Netflix. Content can be played back on computer monitors or on
television sets through the use of devices called Windows Media
Center Extenders. It is also possible to watch and pause live TV.
Up to six TV tunerson a tuner card are supported simultaneously.
Both standard- and high-definition unencrypted video are supported
through DVB-T and ATSC standards. It is possible to view encrypted
private network television stations that are not broadcast over the
air with internal and external tuner options that support the
insertion of aCableCard provided by the cable TV company.
Shortly after Windows 7's 2009 release, Microsoft disbanded the
Media Center development team to work on other projects, thus
abandoning any further software developments. As such, the Media
Center interface remained unchanged for Windows 8/8.1 users. In May
2015, Microsoft announced that Windows Media Center would be
discontinued on Windows 10, and that it would be uninstalled when
upgrading; but stated that those upgrading from a version of
Windows that included the Media Center application would receive
the paid Windows DVD Player app to maintain DVD playback