
In: Computer Science

Create a console app with C# that uses a while loop to calculate the average of...

Create a console app with C# that uses a while loop to calculate the average of 3 test scores.

Input integers, but use the appropriate average data type.

Generally, you use a while to do something while a condition is true. You can use a while loop to execute a certain number of times. *While* this is not the best use of the while loop and another loop is generally more appropriate, it follows the pattern below

set a counter to 0 or 1
set a sum variable to 0
set a total variable to 3 
while the counter is less the total (or less than or equal to, depending on if you started at 0 or 1)

write message asking for input
   read input
   parse to a number
   increment counter

Calculate average
print average with 2 decimal points precision*


Expert Solution

using System;

class Program
static void Main() {
int count = 0, total = 0, number;
while (count < 3)
Console.Write("Enter a number: ");
number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
total += number;
double average = total / 3.0;
Console.Write("Average = " + average.ToString("####0.00"));

// Hit the thumbs up if you are fine with the answer. Happy Learning!

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