
In: Computer Science

IN C# lang Write a console app (review Module 5 for console app) that stores 3...

IN C# lang

Write a console app (review Module 5 for console app) that stores 3 students test stores in 3 separate arrays as integers. Some did not not take all the tests, so they each have a their own length and we use separate arrays.

Declare and initialize each array. Use meaningful names.

Print each array as follows:

Morgan 98, 72, 65
Bowie 15, 47, 35, 92, 94
Ananya 91, 68, 87, 75

Extra credit: Compute the average for each with reusable code (do not have 3 separate pieces of code for the average) This is worth up to 3 points.

Extra extra credit: Ask the user to input the test scores. This is worth up to 2 points.

Submit zipped file. File name is


Expert Solution

using System;

class MainClass {

    public static double avg(int[] arr) {
        double sum = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<arr.Length; i++) {
            sum += arr[i];
        return sum/arr.Length;

    public static void Main (string[] args) {
        string[] names = { "Morgan" , "Bowie", "Ananya" };
        int[] score1 = {98, 72, 65};
        int[] score2 = {15, 47, 35, 92, 94};
        int[] score3 = {91, 68, 87, 75};

        Console.WriteLine("Average of " + names[0] + " is " + avg(score1));
        Console.WriteLine("Average of " + names[1] + " is " + avg(score2));
        Console.WriteLine("Average of " + names[2] + " is " + avg(score3));


Please upvote, as i have given the exact answer as asked in question. Still in case of any concerns in code, let me know in comments. Thanks!

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