
In: Computer Science

Online Store Simulator cpp files needed hpp files provided You will be writing a (rather primitive)...

Online Store Simulator cpp files needed hpp files provided

You will be writing a (rather primitive) online store simulator. It will have three classes: Product, Customer and Store. To make things a little simpler for you, I am supplying you with the three .hpp files. You will write the three implementation files. You should not alter the provided .hpp files.

Here are the .hpp files: Product.hpp, Customer.hpp and Store.hpp three files are below the questions;

Here are descriptions of methods for the three classes:


A Product object represents a product with an ID code, title, description, price and quantity available.

constructor - takes as parameters five values with which to initialize the Product's idCode, title, description, price, and quantity available

get methods - return the value of the corresponding data member

decreaseQuantity - decreases the quantity available by one


A Customer object represents a customer with a name and account ID. Customers must be members of the Store to make a purchase. Premium members get free shipping.

constructor - takes as parameters three values with which to initialize the Customer's name, account ID, and whether the customer is a premium member

get methods - return the value of the corresponding data member

isPremiumMember - returns whether the customer is a premium member

addProductToCart - adds the product ID code to the Customer's cart

emptyCart - empties the Customer's cart


A Store object represents a store, which has some number of products in its inventory and some number of customers as members.

addProduct - adds a product to the inventory

addMember - adds a customer to the members

getProductFromID - returns product with matching ID. Returns NULL if no matching ID is found.

getMemberFromID - returns customer with matching ID. Returns NULL if no matching ID is found.

productSearch - for every product whose title or description contains the search string, prints out that product's title, ID code, price and description

addProductToMemberCart - If the product isn't found in the inventory, print "Product #[idCode goes here] not found." If the member isn't found in the members, print "Member #[accountID goes here] not found." If both are found and the product is still available, calls the member's addProductToCart method. Otherwise it prints "Sorry, product #[idCode goes here] is currently out of stock." The same product can be added multiple times if the customer wants more than one of something.

checkOut - If the member isn't found in the members, print 'Member #[accountID goes here] not found.' Otherwise prints out the title and price for each product in the cart and decreases the available quantity of that product by 1. If any product has already sold out, then on that line it should print 'Sorry, product #[idCode goes here], "[product name goes here]", is no longer available.' At the bottom it should print out the subtotal for the cart, the shipping cost ($0 for premium members, 7% of the cart cost for normal members), and the final total cost for the cart (subtotal plus shipping). If the cart is empty, it should just print "There are no items in the cart." When the calculations are complete, the member's cart should be emptied.

Here is an example of how the output of the Store::productSearch method might look (searching for "red"):

red blender
ID code: 123
price: $350
sturdy blender perfect for making smoothies and sauces

hot air balloon
ID code: 345
price: $700
fly into the sky in your own balloon - comes in red, blue or chartreuse

Here is an example of how the output of the Store::checkOutMember method might look:

giant robot - $7000
Sorry, product #345, "live goat", is no longer available.
oak and glass coffee table - $250
Subtotal: $7250
Shipping Cost: $0
Total: $7250

In the main method you use for testing, you should only need to #include Store.hpp. Remember that your compile command needs to list all of the .cpp files.



#include "Product.hpp"

class Customer
std::vector cart;
std::string name;
std::string accountID;
bool premiumMember;
Customer(std::string n, std::string a, bool pm);
std::string getAccountID();
std::vector getCart();
void addProductToCart(std::string);
bool isPremiumMember();
void emptyCart();





class Product
std::string idCode;
std::string title;
std::string description;
double price;
int quantityAvailable;
Product(std::string id, std::string t, std::string d, double p, int qa);
std::string getIdCode();
std::string getTitle();
std::string getDescription();
double getPrice();
int getQuantityAvailable();
void decreaseQuantity();



#ifndef STORE_HPP
#define STORE_HPP

#include "Customer.hpp"

class Store
std::vector inventory;
std::vector members;
void addProduct(Product* p);
void addMember(Customer* c);
Product* getProductFromID(std::string);
Customer* getMemberFromID(std::string);
void productSearch(std::string str);
void addProductToMemberCart(std::string pID, std::string mID);
void checkOutMember(std::string mID);



Expert Solution


1. Product.cpp:


#include "Product.hpp"

Product::Product(std::string id, std::string t, std::string d, double p,
       int qa) {

//returns idCode
std::string Product::getIdCode() {
   return this->idCode;

//return title
std::string Product::getTitle() {
   return this->title;

//returns description
std::string Product::getDescription() {
   return this->description;

//return price
double Product::getPrice() {
   return this->price;

//returns quantity available
int Product::getQuantityAvailable() {
   return this->quantityAvailable;

void Product::decreaseQuantity() {


2. Customer.cpp:


#include "Customer.hpp"

Customer::Customer(std::string n, std::string a, bool pm) {

//return account id
std::string Customer::getAccountID() {
   return this->accountID;

//returns cart
std::vector<std::string> Customer::getCart() {
   return this->cart;

//adds a product to cart
void Customer::addProductToCart(std::string prod) {

//returns whether a member is a premium member or not
bool Customer::isPremiumMember() {
   return this->premiumMember;

//empties cart
void Customer::emptyCart() {


3. Store.cpp:


#include "Store.hpp"

//adds a product to the inventory
void Store::addProduct(Product* p) {

//adds a customer to the members
void Store::addMember(Customer* c) {

//returns a product with matching ID or NULL;
Product* Store::getProductFromID(std::string prod) {
   Product *p=NULL;
   std::vector<Product*>::iterator it;
   return p;

//returns a member with matching id
Customer* Store::getMemberFromID(std::string mem) {
   Customer *c=NULL;
       std::vector<Customer*>::iterator it;
       return c;

//lists products with matching title
void Store::productSearch(std::string str) {
   Product *p=NULL;
   std::vector<Product*>::iterator it;
                   <<"ID code:"<<p->getIdCode()<<std::endl


//adds a product to member's cart
void Store::addProductToMemberCart(std::string pID, std::string mID) {
   Product *p;
   Customer *c;
       std::cout<<"Product #["<<pID<<"] not found."<<std::endl;
           std::cout<<"Member #["<<mID<<"] not found."<<std::endl;
               std::cout<<"Sorry, product #["<<pID<<"] is currently out of stock."<<std::endl;

//checks out a member
void Store::checkOutMember(std::string mID) {
   Customer *c=getMemberFromID(mID);
   double subTotal=0.0;
       std::cout<<"Member #["<<mID<<"] not found."<<std::endl;
       std::vector<std::string> cart=c->getCart();
           std::cout<<"There are no items in the cart."<<std::endl;
           std::vector<Product*>::iterator it;
           Product *p;
               std::cout<<std::endl<<"Title:"<<p->getTitle()<<" "
                   std::cout<<"Sorry, product #["<<p->getIdCode()<<"], ["<<p->getTitle()<<"], is no longer available"<<std::endl;
           std::cout<<"Sub Total:"<<subTotal<<std::endl;
           double shippingCost=0.0;
           double totalCost=0.0;
           std::cout<<"Total cost:"<<totalCost<<std::endl;


4. Updated Store.hpp:


#ifndef STORE_HPP_
#define STORE_HPP_

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Customer.hpp"
class Store {
   std::vector<Product*> inventory;
   std::vector<Customer*> members;
   void addProduct(Product* p);
   void addMember(Customer* c);
   Product* getProductFromID(std::string prod);
   Customer* getMemberFromID(std::string mem);
   void productSearch(std::string str);
   void addProductToMemberCart(std::string pID, std::string mID);
   void checkOutMember(std::string mID);

#endif /* STORE_HPP_ */


5. Updated Customer.hpp:



#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>

#include "Product.hpp"

class Customer {
   std::vector<std::string> cart;
   std::string name;
   std::string accountID;
   bool premiumMember;
   Customer(std::string n, std::string a, bool pm);
   std::string getAccountID();
   std::vector<std::string> getCart();
   void addProductToCart(std::string prod);
   bool isPremiumMember();
   void emptyCart();

#endif /* CUSTOMER_HPP_ */


6. main() function:


#include <iostream>
#include "Store.hpp"

using namespace std;

int main() {
   Store store;
   Product *p1 = new Product("123","red blender","sturdy blender perfect for making smoothies and sauces",350,20);
   return 0;




Title:red blender
ID code:123
Description:sturdy blender perfect for making smoothies and sauces


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