
In: Computer Science

C# Language Create a class called evaluateValue that declares 3 integer class variables: zeroValue, positiveValue and...

C# Language

  • Create a class called evaluateValue that declares 3 integer class variables: zeroValue, positiveValue and negativeValue. These should be declared as public and you should not use automatic properties to declare them.
  • Your class should have a constructor that takes one integer argument. In the constructor you will code if statements to set one of the three class variables (indicators) to 1 if the number sent to the constructor is either equal to zero, negative, or positive.
  • In the class provide a method printit() used to print the results
    • Evaluate the positive, negative, and zero indicator to determine which line to print. If the indicator is set to 1 then the indicator is true.
    • You will print one of three statements;
      • The number was zero.
      • The number was positive.
      • The number was negative.
  • In the default wrapper class named assignment3 and containing Main write the code in Main that declares one integer variable: val1.
  • Use Console Write and Readline and the convert method to take the integer entry from the keyboard and pass it to the evaluateValue constructor.
  • Instantiate an evaluateValue object and pass the integer values to the constructor.
  • From Main call the printit method which will print the resulting evaluation in the class object.


Expert Solution

C# CODE: (assignment.cs)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Assignment3
    class evaluateValue
       //public variable indicators for positive,negative,zero value
        public int zeroValue;
        public int positiveValue;
        public int negativeValue;

       // constructor ,based on the value of val ,setting the indicators
        public evaluateValue(int val)
           // setting positiveValue indicator
           if(val > 0)
               positiveValue = 1;
           // setting negativeValue indicator
           if (val < 0)
               negativeValue = 1;
           // setting zeroValue indicator
           if (val == 0)
               zeroValue = 1;

       // printing the results
        public void printit()
           if(zeroValue == 1)
               Console.WriteLine("The number was zero.");
           if(positiveValue == 1)
               Console.WriteLine("The number was positive.");
           if(negativeValue == 1)
               Console.WriteLine("The number was negative.");

    class assignment3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //declare the local val1 variable
            int val1;

            //prompt the user for input of one integer
             Console.Write( " Enter an integer value: ");
             val1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine() );

            //instantiate a evaluateValue object here
            // and pass val1 to the constructor
            evaluateValue ob = new evaluateValue(val1);

            //call the object method printit here



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