
In: Computer Science

Code in python Write a while loop code where it always starts form 2. Then it...

Code in python

Write a while loop code where it always starts form 2. Then it randomly chooses a number from 1-4. If the number 4 is hit then it will write “TP” if the number 1 is hit then it will write”SL”. It will rerun the program every time the numbers 1 and 5 are hit. The code should also output every single number that is randomly chosen. 2 of the same numbers can't be chosen back to back as well, so the program can't choose 2 and then 2 again.

The output should look like this:

Code Started, at number 2

Chosen number is 3

Chosen Number is 2

Chosen Number is 5


Rerunning program

Code Started, at number 2

Chosen Number 1


Rerunning program


Expert Solution

def run():
  print("code started at number 2")
  num = int(input("Choosen number is"))
  first_num = 0
  while(num <=5 and num != first_num):
    if num == 4 :
      first_num = num
      num = int(input("Choosen number is"))
    elif num == 1:
      first_num = num
      print("Rerunning program")
    elif num == 5:
      first_num = num
      print("Rerunning program")
    elif (num == 2 or num == 3):
      first_num = num
      num = int(input("Choosen number is"))

Output -

Given Test cases:

this is the given case tested.

In the given output when 5 is hit , it prints TP and in question you gave that TP will print when hit 4. That's why I am not printing TP when hit is 5.

If you want the case, you can add print("TP") under the condition if num == 5:

Next test cases:

if same two numbers are given and given a number other than 1 to 5:

I coded the program if these two conditions happen, program just end. but if we want to rerun the program again, simply it can run as:

def run():
  print("code started at number 2")
  num = int(input("Choosen number is"))
  while(num <=5 and ):
    if num == 4 :
      num = int(input("Choosen number is"))
    elif num == 1:
      print("Rerunning program")
    elif num == 5:
      print("Rerunning program")
    elif (num == 2 or num == 3):
      num = int(input("Choosen number is"))

I think you get my points, if you need more clarification or want to satisfy more conditons please COMMENT, I will update it too.

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