
In: Computer Science

Program Specifications: You will be writing a Java program called that will print the following...

Program Specifications:

You will be writing a Java program called that will print the following ASCII objects. There should be two blank lines between each shape and your output must match identically.

 Rabbit In A Hat

 (^\ /^)
  \ V /
  (o o)
 ( (@) )
 |     |
 |     |
 |     |

 Rabbit Under A Hat
 |     |
 |     |
 |     |
 () * ()

Rabbit Wears A Hat
 |     |
 |     |
 |     |
  (o o)
 ( (@) )
 () * ()

Style requirements:

  1. Main comments - Be sure to include a comment in the main method as your begin each shape stating what shape you're about to this:
    displayRabbitWearsHat();   //prints rabbit wearing hat
  2. Method comments - Be sure to include a comment above each method that describes the purpose of that method like this
    /* ***********************************************************************************
        displayRabbitWearsHat() - Displays the ASCII image of a rabbit wearing a hat
    ************************************************************************************ */
    public static void displayRabbitWearsHat() {
  3. Methods to be used - For this exercise, you will be defining several methods to assist you in drawing the objects and minimizes code redundancy (similar to the egg program we did in lecture). For this exercise, we are going to give you the methods you should use for a proper decomposition.
    • A method called displayRabbitEars: public static void displayRabbitEars() - Draws the portion of the rabbit that includes the ears only.
    • A method called displayRabbitFace: public static void displayRabbitFace() - Similar to above, but this method should display the face of the rabbit.
    • A method called displayRabbitBody: public static void displayRabbitBody() - Similar to above, but this method should display the body of the rabbit.
    • A method called displayHatTop: public static void displayHatTop() - This draws the first line of the hat.
    • A method called displayHatBottom: public static void displayHatBottom() - This draws the last line of the hat.
    • A method called displayHatBody: public static void displayHatBody() - This draws the middle of the hat.
    • A method called displayRabbitInHat: public static void displayRabbitInHat() - So now you can probably see where we are headed. We can draw any of the required rabbits by piecing together the different methods.
    • Methods for displayRabbitUnderHat() and displayRabbitWearsHat() - Continue using the above logic to develop the remaining rabbit methods. Then tie it all together with a main method that will display the ASCII graphics in the proper order.

Once you think you have your program decomposition properly created, test your program to see if your output matches the sample run from above. When it looks correct and you have it properly documented, submit it for grading.


Expert Solution

//Below is the required program in JAVA.

//Kindly note that characters have been escaped wherever required(like \" instead of ").

/*I can see that there is a problem in copying (problem with the text editor provided here) since spaces have been copied as some character,for resolution simply replace that character with " " in text editor.*/


// (^\ /^)
// \ V /
// (o o)
// ( (@) )
// /\"/\
// () * ()
// ("")_("")

class RabbitDisplay{
// Draws the portion of the rabbit that includes the ears only.
public static void displayRabbitEars(){
System.out.println(" (^\\ /^)");
System.out.println(" \\ V /");
// this method should display the face of the rabbit.
public static void displayRabbitFace(){
System.out.println(" (o o)");
System.out.println(" ( (@) )");
// this method should display the body of the rabbit.
public static void displayRabbitBody(){
System.out.println(" /\\\"/\\");
System.out.println(" () * ()");
// this method should display the first line of the hat.
public static void displayHatTop(){
System.out.println(" _______");
// this method should display the body of the hat.
public static void displayHatBody(){
System.out.println(" | |");
System.out.println(" | |");
System.out.println(" | |");
// this method should display the last line of the hat.
public static void displayHatBottom(){
/* ***********************************************************************************
displayRabbitWearsHat() - Displays the ASCII image of a rabbit in a hat
************************************************************************************ */
public static void displayRabbitInHat(){
System.out.println(" Rabbit In A Hat");
/* ***********************************************************************************
displayRabbitWearsHat() - Displays the ASCII image of a rabbit under a hat
************************************************************************************ */
public static void displayRabbitUnderHat(){
System.out.println(" Rabbit Under A Hat");
/* ***********************************************************************************
displayRabbitWearsHat() - Displays the ASCII image of a rabbit wearing a hat
************************************************************************************ */
public static void displayRabbitWearsHat(){
System.out.println(" Rabbit Wears A Hat");
   public static void main (String[] args) {
displayRabbitInHat(); //prints rabbit in a hat
displayRabbitUnderHat(); //prints rabbit under a hat
displayRabbitWearsHat(); //prints rabbit wearing hat

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