
In: Computer Science

Using Java, The program you will be writing displays a weekly payroll report. A loop in...

Using Java,
The program you will be writing displays a weekly payroll report. A loop in the program should ask the user for the employee’s number, employee’s last name, number of hours worked, hourly pay rate, state tax, and federal tax rate. After the data is entered and the user hits the enter key, the program will calculate gross and net pay then displays employee’s payroll information as follows and asks for the next employees’ information. if the user works over 40 hours, add double rate overtime pay for the hours worked more than 40 hours


Expert Solution

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Payroll {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner readData = new Scanner (;

           System.out.print("press the "?" key to stop and exit: ");
           char key = readData.nextChar();
           if (key == "?") // This is how we break out of the loop. Processing "ESC" key involves more code
           //Let's gather employee data
           System.out.print("Enter employee's ID number: ");
           int empID = readData.nextInt();
           System.out.print("Enter employee's name: ");
           String name = readData.nextLine();
           System.out.print("Enter number of hours worked in the current week: ");
           int hours = readData.nextInt();
           System.out.print("Enter hourly wage: ");
           double wage = readData.nextDouble();
           System.out.print("Enter % federal tax rate without the % sign: ");
           int fedRate = readData.nextInt();
           System.out.print("Enter % state tax rate without the % sign: ");
           int stateRate = readData.nextInt();
           //let's compute deduction, overtime payment, gross pay and net pay
           if (hours <= 40)
               double grossPay = hours * wage;
               double grossPay = (hours-40)* 2 * wage + 40 * wage;
           double fedTaxDeduction = ((fedRate/100.0) * grossPay);
           double stateTaxDeduction = ((stateRate/100.0) * grossPay);
           double netPay = grossPay - fedTaxDeduction - stateTaxDeduction;
           //let's format netPay to two decimal places
           netPay = (int)(netPay * 100)/100.0;
           //print payroll
           System.out.println("\n\nEmployee Id: " + empID);
           System.out.println("\n\nEmployee Name: " + name);
           System.out.println("Hours Worked: " + hours);
           System.out.println("hourly wage: $" + wage);
           System.out.println("Gross Pay: $" + grossPay);
           System.out.println(" Federal tax (" + (double)fedRate + "%): $" + FedTaxDeduction);
           System.out.println(" State tax (" + (double)stateRate + "%): $" + stateTaxDeduction);
           System.out.println("Net Pay: $" + netPay);
       } do  

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