In: Finance
Stock FBN is selling at 60. The risk-free rate is 4 percent per period. Each period, the stock price can either go up by 10 percent or down by 10 percent.
Fill in the price sequence as listed below, labeling each stock price and the 65 put values for an American put. (Draw out the tree first to help your calculations, of course. And copy-paste the price sequence to your answer space so you can just fill it in)
S0 = 60
P0 =
Su =
Sd =
Pu =
Pd =
Suu =
Puu =
Sud =
Pud =
Sdd =
Pdd =
P0 =4.2049
Su =66
Sd =54
Pu =1.5923
Pd =11
Suu =72.6
Puu =0
Sud =59.4
Pud =5.6
Sdd =48.6
Pdd =16.4