In: Computer Science
Here is an interaction in a tic-tac-toe game, with user input in bold:
>> gm ='andy', 'mike')
=> #<Game:0x2e91d78 @players=[Andy, Mike]>
>> gm.play_game('mike') Mike, enter your next O O--
Andy, enter your next X
Mike, enter your next O
Andy, enter your next X move
Bad move dude! You go again.
Andy, enter your next X move
Mike, enter your next O move
Mike, you won!
=> nil
>> gm.play_game('karen')
I don't know that player. Please try again. => nil
>> gm.play_game('andy')
Andy, enter your next O move (1-9): 5 ---
When a new game is created, two players register with it by name (the arguments to The play_game message is called with one of the player’s names and starts a new game where that player plays first using the O marker. (A game can be sent repeated play_game messages so the same pair of players can play multiple games). In each iteration, the current player is prompted for the position of her move and then she enters the move number, where the nine squares are numbered in row-major order from 1 through 9. If a move is illegal (i.e., already occupied), the current player is scolded and prompted again for a move. After each move, the board is redrawn. A game ends when either one of the players forms a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row of her three markers (in the usual way), or the board is full indicating a tie.
The assignment is not to implement this game in Ruby. Rather, the assignment is to develop sequence diagrams to discover the objects, their responsibilities, and the messages they respond to. Specifically, focus on these two scenarios:
Where the current game is not over, the current player is prompted for a legal move which she supplies and then the move is made and the updated game board is displayed.
A new game is started and then play iterates between the two players until one of the players wins.
Note that the first scenario is lower level than and fits into the second scenario.
Please give positive ratings for my effort. Thanks.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
enum Action {YES = 0, NO, X_WIN, O_WIN};
const string red("\033[0;31m");
const string cyan("\033[0;36m");
const string reset("\033[0m");
const unsigned int EMPTY_SUM = 216; // ascii value of an "empty"
const unsigned int X_SUM = 272 + 434 + 275; // ascii value of an
slot filled by X (also red + reset)
const unsigned int O_SUM = 263 + 439 + 275; // ascii value of an
slot filled by O (also cyan + reset)
const string X_PLAYER = red + "X" + reset;
const string O_PLAYER = cyan + "O" + reset;
string board[][5] = {" ", " 0 ", " 1 ", " 2 ", "(y)",
"0 ", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", " ",
"1 ", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", " ",
"2 ", "[ ]", "[ ]", "[ ]", " ",
"(x)", " ", " ", " ", " "};
bool running = true;
// clears the screen and displays the current board
void print_board() {
#ifdef _WIN32
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
cout << board[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// returns the ascii value of the given string
int get_ascii_value(string &str) {
int ascii_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
ascii_count += int(;
return ascii_count;
// checks the sum of the collindant slots to see if an slot is
surrounded by the same values (aka: wins)
Action check_sum(int sum, string player) {
if (sum == X_SUM * 2) {
if (player == X_PLAYER)
return X_WIN;
else if (player == O_PLAYER)
return YES;
} else if (sum == O_SUM * 2) {
if (player == O_PLAYER)
return O_WIN;
else if (player == X_PLAYER)
return YES;
} else {
return YES;
// checks the collindant slots in order to see if a player has
won, is a valid movement or is not a valid movement
Action get_action_from_movement(unsigned short *x, unsigned short
*y, string player) {
if (*x > 3 || *y > 3 || *x < 0 || *y < 0)
return NO;
if (get_ascii_value(board[*x][*y]) != EMPTY_SUM)
return NO;
Action curr_state = NO;
if (*x == 1) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[2][*y]) +
get_ascii_value(board[3][*y]), player);
if (curr_state == YES && *y == 1) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[2][2]) +
get_ascii_value(board[3][3]), player);
} else if (curr_state == YES && *y == 3) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[2][2]) +
get_ascii_value(board[3][1]), player);
} else if (*x == 2) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[1][*y]) +
get_ascii_value(board[3][*y]), player);
if (curr_state == YES && *y == 2) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[1][1]) +
get_ascii_value(board[3][3]), player);
if (curr_state == YES) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[3][1]) +
get_ascii_value(board[1][3]), player);
} else if (*x == 3) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[1][*y]) +
get_ascii_value(board[2][*y]), player);
if (curr_state == YES && *y == 3) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[1][1]) +
get_ascii_value(board[2][2]), player);
if (curr_state == YES && *y == 1) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[2][2]) +
get_ascii_value(board[1][3]), player);
} else if (curr_state == YES && *y == 3) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[2][2]) +
get_ascii_value(board[1][1]), player);
if (curr_state != YES)
return curr_state;
if (*y == 1) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[*x][2]) +
get_ascii_value(board[*x][3]), player);
} else if (*y == 2) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[*x][1]) +
get_ascii_value(board[*x][3]), player);
} else if (*y == 3) {
curr_state = check_sum(get_ascii_value(board[*x][1]) +
get_ascii_value(board[*x][2]), player);
if (curr_state != YES)
return curr_state;
return YES;
// fills the given slot with the given player value
void fill_slot(unsigned short *x, unsigned short *y, string player)
board[*x][*y] = "[" + player + "]";
// checks if the board is full
bool is_board_full() {
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
if (get_ascii_value(board[i][j]) == EMPTY_SUM)
return false;
return true;
// exits the game when the user press enter
void exit_game() {
cout << "Press enter to exit..." << endl;
// handles the current turn actions
void handle_turn(string player) {
unsigned short x, y;
bool error;
Action curr_state;
do {
error = false;
cout << "Player [" << player << "] enter (x)
position (0..2): ";
cin >> x;
cout << "Player [" << player << "] enter (y)
position (0..2): ";
cin >> y;
x = x + 1;
y = y + 1;
curr_state = get_action_from_movement(&x, &y, player);
if (curr_state == NO) {
error = true;
cout << "ERROR: Enter a valid action." << endl;
fill_slot(&x, &y, player);
if (curr_state == X_WIN || curr_state == O_WIN) {
cout << "Player [" << player << "] wins!"
<< endl;
} while (error);
if (is_board_full()) {
cout << "The game has ended, the board is full." <<
int main() {
while (running) {