
In: Economics

What are the arguments in defense of consumerism?

What are the arguments in defense of consumerism?


Expert Solution

America under communism goes with communism poster that depicts panicking men and women being roughly treated by grim, evil looking soldiers, dress in dull coloured uniforms as an American flag burns in the background - words stated in “Design daily News.

I urge Americans to save less and consume more as the solution to the economic problems they face. Consumerism is wicked like where masculinity used to be front and center of the Christian moral universe, now its consumerism. It’s consumerism that rouses the guilt of buying things for yourself – lovely, comfortable things – while the Poor wait outside your door.

Consumerism is something we wrestle with every day, but without it, our industrial society would amount to zero, thus making consumerism unavoidable in today’s society.` Currently, consumerism is depicted as a negative aspect of purchasing behavior, which eventually leads to acquisitiveness. Most of these perspectives can be scrutinized as being subjective in that they put their focus on the unessential products and the debts created. On the other hand, they fail to recognize the positive attributes of consumerism, like the one Llewellyn Rockwell does. He sites that the only way we can comprehend what we want like faster internet, fresh flowers and fish, new cars and latest fashion, is through the market economy. The market economy, according to Rockwell, is billions of people innovating and cooperating to make our lives better.

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