
In: Computer Science

Consider the following C++ program that makes use of many features that are unique to C++...

Consider the following C++ program that makes use of many features that are unique to C++ and did not
exist in C.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
enum LetterGrade {
A = 4,
B = 3,
C = 2,
D = 1,
F = 0
// type T must be castable into a double
template<class T>
double getArrayAverage(vector<T>& vec) {
double sum = 0;
for (const auto& value : vec) {
sum += static_cast<double>(value);
const auto avg = sum / vec.size();
return avg;
void convertCharToLetterGrade(char& grade) {
switch (grade) {
case 'A': case 'a':
grade = 4;
case 'B': case 'b':
grade = 3;
case 'C': case 'c':
grade = 2;
case 'D': case 'd':
grade = 1;
case 'F': case 'f':
grade = 0;
cout << "Warning... Invalid Character... Recording an F.\n";
LetterGrade getLetterGradeFromAverage(const double avg) {
if (avg >= 90)
return LetterGrade::A;
else if (avg >= 80)
return LetterGrade::B;
else if (avg >= 70)
return LetterGrade::C;
else if (avg >= 60)
return LetterGrade::D;
return LetterGrade::F;
int main()
string firstName;
cout << "Please enter your first name: ";
cin >> firstName;
string lastName;
cout << "Please enter your last name: ";
cin >> lastName;
int32_t numPrevCourses;
cout << "Enter number of previous courses: ";
cin >> numPrevCourses;
vector<LetterGrade> prevGrades(numPrevCourses);
for (int32_t courseIx = 0; courseIx < numPrevCourses; ++courseIx) {
cout << "Enter letter grade for course " << courseIx << ": ";
char letterGrade;
convertCharToLetterGrade(letterGrade); = static_cast<LetterGrade>(letterGrade);
int32_t numExams;
cout << "Enter number of exams this semester: ";
cin >> numExams;
vector<int32_t> examGrades(numExams);
for (int32_t examIx = 0; examIx < numExams; ++examIx) {
cout << "Enter grade for exam " << examIx << " as an integer: ";
cin >> ;
const auto fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
cout << "Grade Report For " << fullName << ":\n";
const auto examAverage = getArrayAverage(examGrades);
cout << "Your exam average is: " << examAverage << "\n";
// get GPA with newest course added:
const auto newLetterGrade = getLetterGradeFromAverage(examAverage);
const auto gpa = getArrayAverage(prevGrades);
cout << "Your latest GPA is: " << gpa << "\n";
return 0;

Your Task: Please rewrite this program in pure C and without any C++ elements. You may use any
compiler that you would like, but your program cannot have any C++ features .

Once you finish writing your program, please write a brief report (no more than a few paragraphs)
describing features in the above program that are in C++ and not in C and the different work-arounds you
had to come up with in order to achieve the same functionality. Please feel free to elaborate on the
aspects of the C program that were difficult to implement.
Please submit your program (as a .c file) as well as your report (any text format will suffice)


Expert Solution

If you have any doubts, please give me comment...

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdint.h>

typedef enum LetterGrade


    A = 4,

    B = 3,

    C = 2,

    D = 1,

    F = 0

} LetterGrade;

double getArrayAverage(int32_t arr[], int n)


    double sum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


        sum += arr[i];


    double avg = sum / n;

    return avg;


int convertCharToLetterGrade(char grade)


    switch (grade)


    case 'A':

    case 'a':


        return 4;


    case 'B':

    case 'b':


        return 3;


    case 'C':

    case 'c':


     return 2;


    case 'D':

    case 'd':


        return 1;


    case 'F':

    case 'f':


        return 0;



        printf("Warning... Invalid Character... Recording an F.\n");

        return 0;



LetterGrade getLetterGradeFromAverage(const double avg)


    if (avg >= 90)

        return A;

    else if (avg >= 80)

        return B;

    else if (avg >= 70)

        return C;

    else if (avg >= 60)

        return D;


        return F;


int main()


    char firstName[50];

    printf("Please enter your first name: ");

    scanf("%s", firstName);

    char lastName[50];

    printf("Please enter your last name: ");

    scanf("%s", lastName);

    int32_t numPrevCourses;

    printf("Enter number of previous courses: ");

    scanf("%d", &numPrevCourses);

    int32_t prevGrades[numPrevCourses+1];

    for (int32_t courseIx = 0; courseIx < numPrevCourses; ++courseIx)


        printf("Enter letter grade for course %d: ", courseIx);

        char letterGrade;

        scanf("\n%c", &letterGrade);

        int32_t grade = convertCharToLetterGrade(letterGrade);

        prevGrades[courseIx] = grade;


    int32_t numExams;

    printf("Enter number of exams this semester: ");

    scanf("%d", &numExams);

    int32_t examGrades[numExams];

    for (int32_t examIx = 0; examIx < numExams; ++examIx)


        printf("Enter grade for exam %d as an integer: ", examIx);

        scanf("%d", &examGrades[examIx]);


    char fullName[100];

    strcat(fullName, firstName);

    strcat(fullName, " ");

    strcat(fullName, lastName);

    printf("Grade Report For %s:\n", fullName);

    double examAverage = getArrayAverage(examGrades, numExams);

    printf("Your exam average is: %lf\n", examAverage);

    // get GPA with newest course added:

    LetterGrade newLetterGrade = getLetterGradeFromAverage(examAverage);

    prevGrades[numPrevCourses] = newLetterGrade;


    double gpa = getArrayAverage(prevGrades, numPrevCourses);

    printf("Your latest GPA is: %lf\n", gpa);

    return 0;


Features that are unique to C++ and did not exist in C.

  1. In C++, we use vectors to store the data, unlikely in C, there is no vectors, so need to use arrays.
  2. In C++, we have templates to accept any datatype, but in C there is no templates
  3. In C++, we have default string data type, but in C, there is no string datatype only character arrays are considered as string

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