In: Psychology
Plot the historical point at which observable behavior was studied.
Plot the historical point at which cognitive behaviorism and cognitive mapping was studied.
Plot the historical point at which memory and learning began to be studied.
In 1897 the term 'behaviorism' was presented indirectly by the psychologist Pavlov and he explained it with experiment on conditioning.
The law of effect was also introduced by Thorndike in 1905. It was also a theory on behaviorism.
Both structuralism and functionalism were soon consigned to the dustbin of history by another approach - behaviorism. Behaviorism burst upon the field in 1913, in a provocative article by a brilliant young psychologist John B Watson. Watson argued passionately for the view that psychology should focus not on consciousness or experience but on behaviour.
Like Watson, Skinner also supported the concept of behaviorism and he developed radical behaviorism. In 1938 he published the the theory on the particular association between operant conditioning and behaviourism.
In 1943 Clark Hull published Principles of Behaviour and it was also a landmark of the advancement of the behavorial theory.
Chomsky published a criticism on behaviourism on the theory of Skinner in 1959. He published Review of Verbal Behavior.
in 1963 Bandura also published a book called Social Learning Theory and Personality Development and it was also a combination of cognitive and behavioral theory.