In: Nursing
How would your task force use the FOCUS model and the data collection, process mapping, and process analysis tools to plan for a process change?
In order for my task force to use the FOCUS model and the data collection, process mapping, and process analysis tools to plan for a process change there are steps that need to be taken; first I would continue to use MCH hand sanitizing product the alcohol free-based product that effectively eliminates the majority of bacterial microorganisms that can be transmitted by contact. This hand sanitizer would have to continue being used by all staff members and anyone entering and leaving the facility and or patient’s room. The staff will be observed daily through surveillance cameras to insure that this procedure is being implemented. In addition, my task force and I will use the Madison Community Hospital Hand Hygiene Compliance Observation Data chart to keep track on which wing in the hospital is doing a better job at sanitizing their hands. At the end of each month the wing or wings with the highest percentage will be compensated for a job well done and the wing or wings that do not have a high percentage will be penalized. This is an incentive I think would be fun for the staff members knowing that they are keeping their environment and patient’s germ free. Lastly, every year a seminar will be held in order for the staff members of Madison Community Hospital to be informed of the importance of keeping their patients and their facility germ free.