In: Nursing
1. the age of this women 50 yr and she has genetic autoimmune deficiency , which can laeds to easy bacetrial infection in blood either through minor abrasions occuring while brushing teeth , or small cut injury , from respiratory tracts, urinary tracts ... commonly caused by bacteria. but virus and fungai also causes.
peoples at risk for developing infective endocarditis include
those with congenital heart disease , artificial heart valves , heart valve disease , damaged heart valves ,history of endocarditis ,valve prolapse or regurgitation history , immunodeficiency states .
so this patient is having multie risk factors . tricuspid valve is most comonly involved. the bacteria may colonize initially sterile vegetation composed of fibrin and platlets . bactrerial growth enlarges the vegetation , further impending blood flow and increasing inflammation that involves the vegetation and adjacent endothelium. the vegetations are held together by agglutinating antibodies produced by bacteria. as inflammation increases , ulceration may results in erosion or perforation of valve cusps, leads to valvular incompetance ,damages to conductive pathway . DUKE criteria used for diagnosis ,. major criteria are 1. positive blood culture
2, evidence of endocardial involvment
minor criteria are 1. predisoising valvular or heart abnormality
2. IV drug abuse
3. pyrexia >38 degree celcius
4. vascular phenomina
5. immunological phenomina
6. microbiologuical evidence
clinical diagniosis criteria- 2 major criteria or
1 major and 3 minor criteria or
3 minor criteria
2. the data which supports this diagnosis are past history of similar illness , history of multiple risk factors , typical symptoms like fever , chills , rigors , left upper abdomen pain due to spllenomegaly, joint pain , nausea , vomiting. And examination findings shows fever,multiple petachia over the abdomen , arms, legs , chest ... spinter hemorhage under the finger nails . hematuria. soft abdomen and left upper qudrant tenderness . patient is consious but drowsy may be due to repeated vomiting, and on cardiogy examination shows grade 3 murmur due to the valve abnormalities caused by vegetations.. investigations shows high BUN may be due to kidney injury either due to high bp or as a result of abnormal heart function. hemoglobin also low level either due to autoimmune hemolysis or mechanical hemolysis.
3. things to monitor systematc basis in this patient are
cerebral - monitor patients level of consiousnerss anddeveloping new syptoms of embolic stroke like headache, numbness of any body parts and its progression , muscle weakness , slurring of speach , difficulty in closuure of eyes , deviation of angle of mouth ... and do ct csan head or angiogram to rule out any intracranila problems and do appropriate managment.
extremeties - also look for absent of peripheral pulses and compare with other side , periphery coldness , pale , absence of sensatios ... to rule out any embolism and do appropriate drugs treatment, splinter hemorhages ,
spleen - look for enlarment , increasing tenderness , hemoglobin , hematocrite
kidney - monitor urine output , abdominal pain , edema arond eyelids , lower part of legs , colour of urine , sefrum creatine , BUN ,
bowels- monitor bowel movements , nausea , vomiting , diarrhoea , abdominal pain , cramps . bowel sounds . tendenes of abdomen ....
cardiac system - monitor for pulse rate , bp , development of new murmur , chestpain , palpitation. ecg , cardiac enzyme monitoring