
In: Computer Science

Script 3: Ask the user for a file's name If the file exists, ask them if...

Script 3:

  1. Ask the user for a file's name
  2. If the file exists, ask them if they would like to (C)opy, (M)ove, or (D)elete it by choosing C, M, or D
  3. If the user chooses C, ask for the destination directory and move it there
  4. If the user chooses M, ask for the destination directory and move it there
  5. If the user chooses D, delete the file.
  6. Ensure that the user enters only C, M, or D, warning them about the mistake if they should enter something else.

Please show screenshots from the command prompt! Thank you!


Expert Solution

echo "Enter file name"
read filename
test -f $filename && echo "press (C)for Copy, (M) Move or (D) Delete " || exit 1

read choice

if [ "$choice" = C ];
    echo "Enter Destination Directory"
   read dest
   cp $filename $dest
elif ["$choice" = M ];
    echo "Enter Destination Directory"
    read dest

   mv $filename $dest
elif ["$choice" = D ];
    rm $filename

    echo " press (C)for Copy, (M) Move or (D) Delete "

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