In: Operations Management
Does the notion of talent management relate to the shift from classical to global management? Why or why not
YES, Since the advent of globalization, businesses have tried to
adopt a global based strategy for both brand management, marketing
and human resource. It, therefore, relates to the understanding of
talent management more, since the availability of a diverse skill
pool and the ever-increasing need for a cross-functional outlook
has created the need for businesses to develop a talent management
system with their human resource. The notion of talent management
has grown from the classic management chain of thoughts toward a
global management outlook following the increased competition in
today's business landscape. Earlier, talent used to be acquired
from the market, companies utilize higher wages, more benefits and
more lucrative compensation packages to attract talent from the
industry. Now, however, companies try to recruit more on the lens
of diversity, bringing in a broader set of skills and core
competencies and developing it further, to create a
cross-functional and self-managed team where the individuals are
free to utilize their creativity and therefore, grow with each
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