
In: Computer Science

write a C++ program that : 1. Perform a rot13 substitution 2. Perform a caesar encryption...

write a C++ program that :

1. Perform a rot13 substitution

2. Perform a caesar encryption given a dictionary

3. Perform a caesar decryption given a dictionary

4. Create a random caesar cipher dictionary

If user prints:

-r : Perform rot13 substitution

-g : generate a random caesar cipher dictionary.

-e: Encrypt using the caesar cipher

-d : Decrypt using the caesar cipher

The format for the caesar cipher dictionary is a file with 26 pairs of letters, one per letter of the

alphabet, in alphabetical order. Each pair has two letters: the plaintext letter and the ciphertext

letter. The pairs are separated by whitespace. While the dictionary contains only lowercase

letters, the mappings also apply for uppercase letters. Note that the ciphertext letters must be

unique; you cannot have two different plaintext letters that map to the same ciphertext letter.

You also cannot have a plaintext letter map to itself.

Example :   






.... 26 unique pair of letters

For all of the substitution operations, all upper and lower case letters on input should be

substituted (or rotated as the case may be) before being output. All other characters are simply

copied unchanged from input to output.

If the first argument is missing, the program should print MISSING COMMAND, then stop.

If the first argument is not one of the four listed above, print the first argument followed by a

space and NOT A VALID COMMAND, then stop.

For -r, there is an optional second argument. If provided, it is the name of the file to read from. If

it is not provided, the program should read from standard input. The output should be generated

to the standard output. If a filename is provided but the file cannot open for any reason, the

program should print the filename followed by a space and FILE COULD NOT BE OPENED,

then stop.

For -g, the dictionary should be printed to the standard output. You must ensure that each

plaintext letter maps to a unique ciphertext letter,

​and that no letter maps to itself.

For both -e and -d there is a required second argument, which is the filename of the dictionary.

If the second argument is missing, print the message NO DICTIONARY GIVEN, and stop. If the

dictionary cannot open for any reason, the program should print the filename followed by a

space and DICTIONARY COULD NOT BE OPENED, then stop.When reading the dictionary,

you must ensure that each plaintext letter maps to a unique ciphertext letter.

​If you find a case

where the dictionary does not contain a two-letter pair, print FORMATTING ERROR

followed by a space and the entry that you read, and stop. If you find a case where a

ciphertext is duplicated, the program should print DUPLICATE CIPHERTEXT L, where L is

the duplicated letter, and stop. If you find a plaintext that maps to the same letter in

ciphertext, the program should print MAPPING ERROR L, where L is the plaintext letter,

and stop.

​If you find a case where the dictionary is not in alphabetical order, you must print

MISSING LETTER L, where L is the missing letter, and stop.

Both -e and -d support an optional third argument, which is the file to read from. If it is not

provided, the program should read from standard input. The output should be generated to the

standard output. If a filename is provided but the file cannot open for any reason, the program

should print the filename followed by a space and FILE COULD NOT BE OPENED, then stop.

In all cases if there are too many command line arguments, your program should print TOO

MANY ARGUMENTS, then stop.


Expert Solution

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "encryp.h"

using namespace std;

// read from the input file
bool Encryp::read_file(char* filename)
ifstream fp;,ios::in);
if (!fp.is_open()){
cout<<"cannot open the file! \n"<<endl;
return 0;

//std::ifstream openfile(filename);
   //std::streambuf* buffer;
   //buffer << fp.rdbuf();
   //std::string contents(buffer.str());
std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(fp)),std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());


return 1;

// calculate the gam1 frequency of string
vector<pair<string,float> > Encryp::cal_freq_g1(string tobecalu)
   vector<int> freq(26);
   for(unsigned int j=0;j<freq.size();j++){
       freq[j] =0;

std::transform(tobecalu.begin(), tobecalu.end(), tobecalu.begin(), ::tolower);
   for(unsigned int i=0;i<tobecalu.size();i++){
       if(tobecalu[i]>=97 && tobecalu[i]<=122){
           int index =tobecalu[i]-97;

   vector<pair<string,float> > freq_matrix(26);
   for(int i=97;i<=122;i++){
       char temper =(char)i;
       stringstream ss;
       string name;
       ss << temper;
ss >> name;

   // printf out
   cout<<"gram1 frequency are:"<<endl;
   for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
       cout<<freq_matrix[i].first<<" "<<freq_matrix[i].second<<endl;

return freq_matrix;

// calculate the gam2 frequency of string
vector<vector<int> > Encryp::cal_freq_g2(string tobecalu)
vector<vector<int> > freq(26);
   for(unsigned int j=0;j<freq.size();j++){
       for(int i=0;i<26;i++){

std::transform(tobecalu.begin(), tobecalu.end(),tobecalu.begin(), ::tolower);
   for(unsigned int i=0;i<tobecalu.size()-1;i++){   
       if(tobecalu[i]>=97 && tobecalu[i]<=122 && tobecalu[i+1]>=97 && tobecalu[i+1]<=122 ){
           int index_row =tobecalu[i]-97;
           int index_col =tobecalu[i+1]-97;

   cout<<"gram2 frequency are:"<<endl;
   for(unsigned int i=0;i<freq.size();i++){
       //bool flag=0;
       for(unsigned int j=0;j<freq[i].size();j++){
           cout<<(char)(i+97)<<(char)(j+97)<<" "<<(float)freq[i][j]/tobecalu.size()<<endl;
           // flag =1;
       //   cout<<endl;
   return freq;

// encode the input string
void Encryp::encryp_caesar()
   int n =3;
   std::transform(this->tocode.begin(), this->tocode.end(),this->tocode.begin(), ::tolower);
   for(unsigned int i=0;i<this->tocode.size();i++){
           char encode =(char)((this->tocode[i]-97+n)%26+97);

   //printf encode
   cout<<"the encode string is:"<<endl;


// decode the string
void Encryp::decode_caesar(vector<pair<string,float> > gram1)
int n;
// use frequency to find n
vector<pair<string,float> > freq_table(26);


   vector<int> patten;
   int patten_num =5;
   patten.push_back(0); // the highest freq
   patten.push_back(1); // the second highest freq
   patten.push_back(2); // the third highest freq
   patten.push_back(3); // the forth highest freq
patten.push_back(4); // the fifth highest freq

   vector<int> result_K;
   for(int i=0;i<patten_num;i++){

   for(int i=0;i<patten_num-1;i++){
       if(result_K[i]==result_K[i+1] && abs(gram1[i].second-gram1[i+1].second)<0.01){
       n =result_K[0];

   for(unsigned int i=0;i<this->encoded.size();i++){
       char decoded =(char)((26+this->encoded[i]-97-n)%26+97);

   //printf decode
   cout<<"the decode string is:"<<endl;

int Encryp::GetN(char cyb,char tabl)
   for(int i=0;i<=25;i++){
       //int test1 =(ori-97)%26;
       //int test2 =(tabl-97);
           return i;


// sorting function
void Encryp::QuickSortDiff(vector<pair<string,float> > &difference,int p, int r)
int q=0;

q =this->Partition_Diff(difference,p,r);


int Encryp::Partition_Diff(vector<pair<string,float> > &difference,int p, int r)
   float key =0;
   float value =0;
   int temp =(p+r)/2;
int i =p;
   int j =r;
   pair<string,float> keynode(difference[temp]);

   key =keynode.second; // the difference between 1&0
       value =difference[j].second;
       while(temp<j && value<=key){
           value =difference[j].second;
           difference[temp] =difference[j];
           temp =j;

       value =difference[i].second;
       while(i<temp && value>=key){
           value =difference[i].second;
difference[temp] =difference[i];
           temp =i;
   difference[temp] =keynode;

   return temp;

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