In: Computer Science
Write a Scheme function that takes a list of integers and returns all odd integers on the list in the original order:
(odd-numbers `(2 4 9 16 25 7)) (9 25 7)
Hint: 2 (remainder 13 5) 3
Please explain every step
(define (odd-numbers l)
; check if list is empty
(cond ((null? l) '())
; check if 1st number of list is
; and if its even then skip that
; and find odd in remaining
((even? (car l)) (odd-numbers (cdr
; if 1st number of list is not even
ie odd
; then add that to "new list" with
remaining odd of "original list"
(else (cons (car l) (odd-numbers
(cdr l))))
; Note: "even?" is in-build function
; (odd-numbers '(2 4 9 16 25 7))