Please execute the appropriate Unix command to perform the
action described.
1 - Put your login name in the file session03_hw.
2 - Put the date in mm/dd/yy format in the file
3 - Put the abbreviated weekday name in the file
4 - Put the time in hh:mm format in the file
5 - Use the command for a short listing with the option to
list entries by columns.
List files that start with mno and add the output to the file
6 - Use the command for a short listing of all files that have
the last character as number 3 and
add the output to the file session03_hw.
7 - Use the command for a short listing of all files that have
the second to last character as the letter i
and add the output to the file session03_hw.
8 - Concatenate the files that have the second to last
character in the file name in the list a c e g i k and
the last character as a 1. Add the output to the file
9 - I want you to use the man command to find a command to
determine a file type.
The man command with the -k keyword option will display all
commands. I want you to display only
commands in chapter 1 of the Unix man pages. Add the output of
what is displayed to the
file session03_hw.
10 - From the list of commands that is displayed from the step
above, add only the line of the
command you think is the correct command to the file
11 - Concatenate the files mno.d1, mno.a7 and mno.b6. Add the
output of any error messages to
the file session03_hw
12 - Create a file called theend with the words "The End" in
the file. Add the contents of the
file theend to the file session03_hw.
13 - Use the command for a short listing with the option to
list entries by columns of all the files in
your directory and add the output to session03_hw.
3. Look over the file session03_hw and check that it looks
like what you would expect based on the
commands you have executed. For each question above, you
should see your answer in the file session03_hw. If you do not see
all your answers, you need to either redo the assignment or ask a