
In: Computer Science

Ubuntu Linux HW2: 1. Give one line of the Linux command to see your (your login...

Ubuntu Linux

HW2: 1. Give one line of the Linux command to see your (your login ID) credential data from the passwd file. Use a pipe and grep command.

2. Give one line of the Linux command to calculate the following and save it in the hex to a file calcOut. Use bc and <<<. 3+2*4 Submit Screenshots

HW3: Permission

Show the result clearly after each of the following commands are executed.

1. Create a subdirectory, “HW3”. Write the Linux command.

2. Who owns it? Show it.

3. Can the owner move into the directory HW3? Show why?

4. Write a Linux command with the number to permit all to the owner but nothing to any other.

5. Write a Linux command with no number to change the privilege not to move into HW3 directory.

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HW4: networking

Show the result clearly after each of the following commands are executed.

1. Write a Linux command to print the route packets trace to

2. Look up the manual on netstat. Write the netstat command to display all the sockets.

3. Write the netstat command with an option to display all listening tcp ports.

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Expert Solution

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 1

mkdir HW3

Answer 2

your user name will be there in HW3 creator

Answer 3


Answer 4

Answer 5

chmod 000 HW3

Answer 1


Answer 2

man netstat

netstat -a  

Answer 3

sudo netstat -plnt

if you have any doubt then please ask me without any hesitation in the comment section below , if you like my answer then please thumbs up for the answer , before giving thumbs down please discuss the question it may possible that we may understand the question different way and i can edit and change the answers if you argue, thanks :)

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