In: Psychology
conceptual understanding of the "great conversation" and " western cannon"
Great conversation is the process by which the writers refine the wirk of their predecessors. It is the the idea to redefine and refine the predessors in a profession to explain the concept in teh current senario. It is an ongoing intellectual conversation of the individuals from one generation to the other. Th wiriters will read and commnet on their predecessors in a number of ways to have a greater understandinga nd insight into the topics available with them.
The highly valued art, philosphy, music and litearture in the west is called as western cannon. It derived form the Greek which mean a measuring rod or stanadrd. All thses works have not originated from the west itself. At presnt it started to include more about women and the raicl minorities. In presnmt generation the art of ceniam had obtained a signifiant position in the world of western canon. The painting of mOnalisa is an example for the same