In: Finance
Stock A: E (R) = 9%, STD DEVIATION =36%
Stock B : E (R) = 15%, STD DEVIATION =62%
1. Calculate the expected return of a portfolio that is composed of 35% of a stock A and 65% of stock B
2. calculate the std deviation of this portfolio when the correlation coefficient between the returns is 0.5
3. calculate the std deviation of this portfolio same weights in each stock when the correlation coefficient is now -0.5
4. how did the changes in the correlation between the returns on A and B affect the std deviation of the portfolio?
Expected return of two-asset portfolio Rp = w1R1 + w2R2,
where Rp = expected return
w1 = weight of Asset 1
R1 = expected return of Asset 1
w2 = weight of Asset 2
R2 = expected return of Asset 2
Expected return = (0.35 * 0.09) + (0.65 * 0.15) = 12.90%
standard deviation for a two-asset portfolio σp = (w12σ12 + w22σ22 + 2w1w2Cov1,2)1/2
w1 = weight of Asset 1
w2 = weight of Asset 2
σ12 = variance of Asset 1
σ22 = variance of Asset 2
Cov1,2 = covariance of returns between Asset 1 and Asset 2
Cov1,2 = ρ1,2 * σ1 * σ2, where ρ1,2 = correlation of returns between Asset 1 and Asset 2
standard deviation = ((0.35)2(0.36)2 + (0.65)2(0.62)2 + (2)(0.35)(0.65)(0.5)(0.36)(0.62))1/2
standard deviation = 48%
standard deviation = ((0.35)2(0.36)2 + (0.65)2(0.62)2 + (2)(0.35)(0.65)(-0.5)(0.36)(0.62))1/2
standard deviation = 36%
The change in correlation from a positive to negative correlation reduced the standard deviation of the portfolio