
In: Statistics and Probability

The City Council has gathered data on the number of minor traffic accidents and the number...

The City Council has gathered data on the number of minor traffic accidents and the number of youth football games that occur in a town over a weekend

X (Soccer Games) 20 30 10 12 15 25 24

Y (minor accdnt) . 6 9 4 5 7 8 9

Plot the data

Develop the estimating equation that describes the data

Predict the number of minor traffic accidents that will occur on a weekend during which 33 soccer games takes place


Expert Solution

### By using Excel;

x y x^2 y^2 xy
20 6 400 36 120
30 9 900 81 270
10 4 100 16 40
12 5 144 25 60
15 7 225 49 105
25 8 625 64 200
24 9 576 81 216
136 48 2970 352 1011

The scatter plot of the data is:

To draw scatter plot in the Excel: First select the data then in the go to insert menu.

Select the scatter plot.

The slope of regression line is given by:

The y intercept is;

Thus the predicted regression equation is:

The predicted number of minor traffic accidents that will occur on a weekend during which 33 soccer games takes place obtained by:

Therefore, the predicted number of minor traffic accidents that will occur on a weekend during which 33 soccer games takes place are 10.

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