In: Computer Science
Draw an ER diagram containing the ConferenceSeries, the ConferenceEvent, and the ConferenceTrack entitysets where each ConferenceSeries can be linked to zero or many ConferenceEvent entities, and each Conference Event may be linked to one or many ConferenceTracks. ConferenceTrack should not exists without a ConferenceEvent. Choose an appropriate relationship name. Then augment the model with an entityset Venue and a relationship named OrganizedAt associating each ConferenceEvent with exactly one Venue. Assume that a Venue must have run at least one ConferenceEvent. Your ER diagram should show all details. Show a translation into tables for a SQL database (topic covered in class on Tue Sept 9). Note: Add 3 attributes to each of the entity type with appropriate primary key.
ER Diagram for Conference Event
As per the given details, ER Diagram for Conference Event has 4 Entities. They are:
1.ConferenceSeries: Attributes- SeriesID, SeriesName, Description
2.ConferenceEvent: Attributes- EventID, EventName, EDate
3.ConferenceTrack: Attributes- TrackID, StartTime, EndTime
4. Venue: Attributes- VenueID, VenueName,Address
Relation Ships: We can identify the following relationships between Entities:
1. One ConferenceSeries Entity has 0 or more Conference Events.
2. Each ConferenceEvent Entity can contain 1 or more ConferenceTracks.
3. Each ConferenceEvent is organized at exactly 1 Venue, and a Venue must have run at least 1 Conference Event.
ER Diagram
Table Design for SQL Data base from the above ER Diagram:
1. ConferenceSeries
Field Name | Type | Key/Description |
SeriesID | INT | PK |
SeriesName | VARCHAR | |
Description | VARCHAR |
2. ConferenceEvent
Field Name | Type | Key/Description |
EventID | INT | PK |
SeriesID | INT | FK refers SeriesID of ConferenceSeries Table |
EventName | VARCHAR | |
3. ConferenceTrack
Field Name | Type | Key/Description |
TrackID | INT | PK |
EventID | INT | FK Refers EventID of ConferenceEvent Table |
StartTime | DATETIME | |
EndTime | DATETIME |
4. Venue
Field Name | Type | Key/Description |
VenueID | INT | PK |
VenueName | VARCHAR | |
Address | VARCHAR |
Field Name | Type | Key |
EventID | INT | FK refers EventID of ConferenceEvent Table |
VenueID | INT | FK refers VenueID of Venue Table |
Note:- You can add/ remove attributes or fields according to your requirements.