Give an example of proof by construction.
For example, prove that for every well-formed formula f in
propositional logic, an equivalent WFF exists in disjunctive normal
form (DNF).
HINT: Every WFF is equivalent to a truth function, and we can
construct an equivalent WFF in full DNF for every truth function.
Explain how.
Give a direct proof of the following theorem, upon which case
you can use it for future proofs. (Hint: note that we’ve called it
a corollary as in p.81, not just a theorem.) Corollary 4.12. Every
integer is even or odd.
Give a direct proof of the following theorem, upon which case
can use it for future proofs. (Hint: note that we’ve called it a
corollary as
in p.81, not just a theorem.)
Corollary 4.12. Every integer is even or odd.
Give a real life example of a type 1 error as well as a type 2
error and in the context of your example explain how you could
reduce the chances of each of them.
give a example 0f a measurment error .describe a situation in
which it might occur and why is poses a problem for statistic if
the sample size increases and everything els remains the same ,in
what will the confidence change?
Give an example of a situation in which you believe a
Type 1 Error is more serious than a Type II Error. Give an example
of situation in which you believe a Type II Error is more serious
than a Type 1 Error. In each case, why do you think so?