In: Nursing
what Thyroid Cancer with “mets” to the lungs? answer typed please in one paragraph or two
Nowadays the incidence of thyroid cancer is raising .The one reason may be the maturation of people expose to low dose radiation early in life .The survey reveals that there is 3 to 4 new cases per 100000 population per year in the united states and about 1% of cancer death. the ration of female to male is 4:1.The incidence peak during the 60s but it may arise from infancy to the old age.
There are four major types of thyroid cancer
-papillary adenocarcinoma
-follicular adenocarcinoma
-medullary carcinoma
-Anaplastic carcinoma
Among these cancer types the papillary adenocarcinoma mets to the lungs. it constitutes about 75% of thyroid cancers .papillary adenocarcinoma affect in client in all age groups.It is characterised by slow growing firm tumor. palpable nodules, spread to regional nodes in about half of cases .moreover it is a radiation related thyroid cancer with 10 to 20 year latency period. the cause of thyroid cancer is unknown There is a malignant transformation some times occur and the benign nodules become cancerous. also malignant transformation of the benign nodules can apparently follow prolonged stimulation of the thyroid by TSH(Thyroid stimulating hormones) the risk factors includes genetic predisposition .a family history of thyroid or other endocrine cancer .The treatment for thyroid cancer includes surgery ,hormone therapy ,radioactive iodine , radiation and in some case chemotherapy used. The surgical intervention includes total or sub total thyroidectomy ,other recommended lobectomy and isthmectomy.