
In: Computer Science

hi i do not know what is wrong with my python code. this is the class:...

hi i do not know what is wrong with my python code.

this is the class:

class Cuboid:
    def __init__(self, width, length, height, colour):
        self.__width = width
        self.__length = length
        self.__height = height
        self.__colour = colour
        self.surface_area = (2 * (width * length) + 2 * (width * height) + 2 * (length * height))
        self.volume = height * length * width

    def get_width(self):
        return self.__width

    def get_length(self):
        return self.__length

    def get_height(self):
        return self.__height

    def get_colour(self):
        return self.__colour

    def set_width(self, width):
        if isinstance(width, (int, float)):
            self.__width = width

    def set_length(self, length):
        if isinstance(length, (int, float)):
            self.__length = length

    def set_height(self, height):
        if isinstance(height, (int, float)):
            self.__height = height

    def set_colour(self, colour):
        if colour:
            if colour(" ", "").isalnum():
                self.__colour = colour

    def get_surface_area(self, surface_area):

        return self.surface_area

    def get_volume(self, volume):
        return self.volume

    def __str__(self):
        desc = f"The {self.__colour} Cuboid Measurments: \n" \
               f"(Width = {self.__width}, Length = {self.__length}, Height = {self.__height})" \
               f"Surface Area = {self.surface_area}" \
               f"Volume = {self.volume}"
        return desc

this is the demo code:

from cuboid import Cuboid
def main():
    cuboid1 = Cuboid("Blue", 10, 13, 54)
    cuboid2 = Cuboid("Red", 11, 63, 78)




Expert Solution

Hi I have resolved the errors.. The code is right but the method signatures were wrong... Like for init you didn't put double underscore.. And a small small syntax errors are there.. Also you have declared the init method with width, length, height, color but in mai you are passing color, height, length, width like that the arguments should be in the same order. Find the below code..

class Cuboid:
def __init__(self, width, length, height, colour):
self.__width = width
self.__length = length
self.__height = height
self.__colour = colour
self.surface_area = (2 * (width * length) + 2 * (width * height) + 2 * (length * height))
self.volume = height * length * width

def get_width(self):
return self.__width

def get_length(self):
return self.__length

def get_height(self):
return self.__height

def get_colour(self):
return self.__colour

def set_width(self, width):
if isinstance(width, (int, float)):
self.__width = width

def set_length(self, length):
if isinstance(length, (int, float)):
self.__length = length

def set_height(self, height):
if isinstance(height, (int, float)):
self.__height = height

def set_colour(self, colour):
if colour:
if colour(" ", "").isalnum():
self.__colour = colour

def get_surface_area(self, surface_area):

return self.surface_area

def get_volume(self, volume):
return self.volume

def _str_(self):
desc = desc+"The "+str(self.__colour)+" Cuboid Measurments:" +"Width = "+str(self.__width) +", Length = "+str(self.__length)+", Height = "+str(self.__height) +" , Surface Area = "+str(self.surface_area) +" , Volume = "+str(self.volume)
return desc

def main():
cuboid1 = Cuboid(10,13,54,"Blue")
cuboid2 = Cuboid(11,63,78,"Red")

Output :

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