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Programming assignment (75 pts): The Lab 1 development assignment was largely an exercise in completing an...

  1. Programming assignment (75 pts):

The Lab 1 development assignment was largely an exercise in completing an already started implementation. The Lab 2 development assignment will call on you to implement a program from scratch. It’s an exercise in learning more about Java basics, core Java Classes and Class/ method-level modularity.

Implement a ‘runnable’ Class called “NumericAnalyzer”. Here’s the functional behavior that must be implemented.

  • NumericAnalyzer will accept a list of 1 or more numbers as command line arguments. These numeric values do not need to be ordered (although you’ll need to display these values sorted ascendingly).

NOTE: Don’t prompt the user for input – this is an exercise passing values to your program via the command line!

  • Error checking: if the user fails to pass in parameters, the program will display an error message (of your choice) and exit early.
  • The main() method’s String [] args argument values must be converted and assigned to a numeric/integer array.
  • Your program will display the following information about the numbers provided by the user:
    1. This list of numbers provided by the user sorted ascendingly.
    2. The size of number list (the number of numbers!)
    3. The average or mean value.
    4. The median - the middle value of the set of numbers sorted. (Simple Algorithm: index = the length of the array divided by 2).
    5. The min value.
    6. The max value.
    7. The sum
    8. The range: the difference between the max and min
    9. Variance: Subtract the mean from each value in the list. This gives you a measure of the distance of each value from the mean. Square each of these distances (and they’ll all be positive values), add all of the squares together, and divide that sum by the number of values (that is, take the average of these squared values) .
    10. Standard Deviation: is simply the square root of the variance.

Development guidelines:

  • The output should be neat, formatted and well organized – should be easy on the eyes!
  • Your code should adhere to naming conventions as discussed in class.
  • Your main() method’s actions should be limited to:
    • gathering command line arguments
    • displaying error messages
    • creating an instance of NumericAnalyzer and invoking its top level method (e.g., “calculate()”, “display()” )
  • The “real work” should be performed by instance methods. That is, your implementation should embrace modularity:
    • Each mathematical calculation should probably be implemented by a separate method.
    • Yet another method should be responsible for displaying a sorted list of the numbers provided, and displaying all derived values above.

NOTE: Deriving calculations and displaying output to a Console are separate threads of responsibility, and should therefore be implemented independently of each other.

  • Your implementation should embrace using core Java modules:
    • Use the java.lang.Math Class methods to calculate square roots and perform power-to values.

So your main() method will include a sequence of instructions similar to this:

// main() method code fragment example
if(args.length == 0 ) {

// Display some error message … (System.err. )



NumericAnalyzer analyzer = new NumericAnalyzer(args);




Your ‘test cases’ should include testing for (see sample output below –PASTE YOUR Console OUTPUT ON PAGE 5 below):

  1. No input parameters – error condition.
  2. 1 value
  3. Multiple values – at least 6+ …


  1. Pass in 1 or more positive integer number values.



Count:                             1

Min:                             256

Max:                             256

Range:                             0

Sum:                             256

Mean:                            256

Median:                          256

Variance:                          0

Standard Deviation:                0


2    4    8    16   32   64   128 256 512

Count:                             9

Min:                               2

Max:                             512

Range:                           510

Sum:                           1,022

Mean:                            113

Median:                           32

Variance:                     25,941

Standard Deviation:              161


0 args

1 arg

multiple args (at least 6)

Sample output

2       4       8       16      32     64   128     256     512   

Size:                              9

Min:                               2

Max:                             512

Range:                           510

Sum:                           1,022

Mean:                            113

Median:                           32

Variance:                     25,941

Standard Deviation:              161


Lab 1 java code (if needed)

public class JulianCalendar {


        static private final int MAX_DAY = 31;

        static private final String[] MONTH_NAMES = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct",

        "Nov", "Dec" };


        static private final int[] MONTH_SIZES = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

        static private void displayDayHeading() {

                System.out.printf("%6s", "Day");


        static private void displayHeading() {


                for (int i = 0; i < MONTH_NAMES.length; ++i) {

                        System.out.printf("%5s", MONTH_NAMES[i]);




        static public void display() {


                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DAY; i++) {

                        System.out.printf("\n%6d", i + 1);

                        for (int j = 0; j < MONTH_NAMES.length; j++) {

                                int sum = 0;

                                for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) {

                                        sum += MONTH_SIZES[k];


                                if (sum + MONTH_SIZES[j] >= sum + i + 1)

                                        System.out.printf(" %03d", sum + i + 1);


                                        System.out.printf(" %03d", 0);


                        System.out.printf("%6d", i + 1);




        public static void main(String[] args) {






Expert Solution

If you have any doubts, please give me comment...

class NumericAnalyzer{

int arr[];

int size;

int average;

int median;

int min;

int max;

int sum;

int range;

int variance;

int stdDev;

public NumericAnalyzer(String args[]){

size = args.length;

arr = new int[size];

for(int i=0; i<size; i++){

arr[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);



public void calcSum(){

sum = 0;

for(int i=0; i<size; i++){

sum += arr[i];



public void calcAverage(){


average = sum/size;


public void calcMedian(){


median = arr[size/2];


median = (arr[size/2]+arr[(size/2)+1])/2;


public void calcMin(){

min = arr[0];

for(int i=1; i<size; i++){


min = arr[i];



public void calcMax(){

max = arr[0];

for(int i=1; i<size; i++){


max = arr[i];



public void calcRange(){

range = max-min;


public void calcVariance(){


variance = 0;

for(int i=0; i<size; i++){

variance += (average-arr[i])*(average-arr[i]);


variance /= size;


public void calcStdDev(){


stdDev = (int)Math.sqrt(variance);


public void calculate(){







public void display(){

for(int i=0; i<size; i++){

System.out.print(arr[i]+" ");











System.out.println("Stanadard Deviation:\t"+stdDev);



public class NumericAnalyzerTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

if (args.length == 0) {

// Display some error message … (System.err. )

System.out.println("Usage: numbers...");



NumericAnalyzer analyzer = new NumericAnalyzer(args);






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