
In: Computer Science

The Instructor class consists of a firstname (String), lastname (String), office building (String) and room number...

The Instructor class consists of a firstname (String), lastname (String), office building (String) and room number (int). There is a no-arg constructor that initializes the properties to “Albert”, “Einstein”, “McNair”, 420. There is also a constructor with a parameter for each class property. Finally, there is a toString() method that returns each property separated by an asterisk * .

  1. Create a Netbeans project and name it CourseScheduler.
  2. Implement the Instructor class in Java. Declare and instantiate two Instructor objects in the main() method of your project (one object using each constructor). Output the object properties to the console using the toString() method. When you are finished.

Problem 2 (5 points)

The Textbook class consists of a title (String), publisher (String) and edition (int). There is a no-arg constructor that initializes Strings to “” and numeric values to zero. A second constructor has formal parameters for each property. The class toString() method returns a String with each property separated by a System.lineSeparator() char.

  1. Implement the Textbook class in the CourseScheduler project. Declare and instantiate Textbook objects in the main() using both constructors. Output the object properties using the toString() method. When you are finished, get the TA to check your code to get the lab points.

Problem 3 (5 points)

The Course class consists of a name (String), semester (String), instructor (Instructor) and textbook (Textbook). As with the previous classes, there are two constructors: one no-arg constructor and one constructor with formal parameters for each property. The no-arg constructor initializes reference variables to null. The toString() method separates the name and semester by a comma (‘,’). There is a System.lineSeparator() char after the semester property and between the Instructor and Textbook properties. The Instructor and Textbook properties are formatted using the toString() method from their respective classes.

  1. Implement the Course class in the CourseScheduler project. Instantiate Instructor and Textbook objects and use them along with the course name and semester as parameters to the Course constructor. Output the properties of the Course object using the toString() method. You can verify the format of the toString() by comparing it with the file input format described in Problem 4 below. When you are finished, get the TA to check your code to get the lab points.

Problem 4 (5 points)

  1. Declare and instantiate an ArrayList in the main() method. Name it courses.
  2. Implement the following method in the same class as the main(): public static void readCourseData( ArrayList courses, String filename )
  3. Make a call to readCourseData() from the main() passing the ArrayList and the filename as parameters. Write a loop under the call to readCourseData to output all the course data to the console by calling toString() for each Course object in the ArrayList.

if you could show which part was based off of which problem, that would be helpful.


Expert Solution

Note: Copuld u provide the input file link for the 4th Question.So that I can develop program

Could you plz go through this code and let me know if u need any changes in this.Thank You


public class Instructor {
   //Declaring instance variables
   private String firstname;
   private String lastname;
   private String officebuilding;
   private int roomNumber;

   //Zero argumented constructor
   public Instructor() {
       this.firstname = "Albert";
       this.lastname = "Einstein";
       this.officebuilding = "McNair";
       this.roomNumber = 420;


   //Parameterized constructor
   public Instructor(String firstname, String lastname, String officebuilding,
           int roomNumber) {
       this.firstname = firstname;
       this.lastname = lastname;
       this.officebuilding = officebuilding;
       this.roomNumber = roomNumber;

   // getters and setters
   public String getFirstname() {
       return firstname;

   public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
       this.firstname = firstname;

   public String getLastname() {
       return lastname;

   public void setLastname(String lastname) {
       this.lastname = lastname;

   public String getOfficebuilding() {
       return officebuilding;

   public void setOfficebuilding(String officebuilding) {
       this.officebuilding = officebuilding;

   public int getRoomNumber() {
       return roomNumber;

   public void setRoomNumber(int roomNumber) {
       this.roomNumber = roomNumber;

   //toString method is used to display the contents of an object inside it
   public String toString() {
       return firstname + " * " + lastname + " * " + officebuilding + " * "+ roomNumber;



public class CourseScheduler {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //Creating two Instances of Instructor class objects
Instructor ins1=new Instructor("Robin","Utappa","SunShine",315);
Instructor ins2=new Instructor();



Robin * Utappa * SunShine * 315
Albert * Einstein * McNair * 420




public class TextBook {
   //Declaring instance variables
   private String title;
   private String publisher;
   private int edition;

   //Zero argumented constructor
   public TextBook() {
       this.title = "";
       this.publisher = "";
       this.edition = 0;

   //Parameterized constructor
   public TextBook(String title, String publisher, int edition) {
       this.title = title;
       this.publisher = publisher;
       this.edition = edition;

   // getters and setters
   public String getTitle() {
       return title;

   public void setTitle(String title) {
       this.title = title;

   public String getPublisher() {
       return publisher;

   public void setPublisher(String publisher) {
       this.publisher = publisher;

   public int getEdition() {
       return edition;

   public void setEdition(int edition) {
       this.edition = edition;

   //toString method is used to display the contents of an object inside it
   public String toString() {
       return title + System.lineSeparator()+ publisher
               +System.lineSeparator()+ "" + edition;



public class CourseScheduler {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
TextBook tb1=new TextBook("Let Us C","Brooklyn Publishers",5);
TextBook tb2=new TextBook("Ansi C","RedBook Publishers",11);



Let Us C
Brooklyn Publishers
Ansi C
RedBook Publishers




public class Course {
   //Declaring instance variables
   private String name;
   private String semester;
   private Instructor instructor;
   private TextBook textbook;

   //Zero argumented constructor
   public Course() { = null;
       this.semester = null;
       this.instructor = null;
       this.textbook = null;

   //Parameterized constructor
   public Course(String name, String semester, Instructor instructor,
           TextBook textbook) { = name;
       this.semester = semester;
       this.instructor = instructor;
       this.textbook = textbook;

   // getters and setters
   public String getName() {
       return name;

   public void setName(String name) { = name;

   public String getSemester() {
       return semester;

   public void setSemester(String semester) {
       this.semester = semester;

   public Instructor getInstructor() {
       return instructor;

   public void setInstructor(Instructor instructor) {
       this.instructor = instructor;

   public TextBook getTextbook() {
       return textbook;

   public void setTextbook(TextBook textbook) {
       this.textbook = textbook;

   //toString method is used to display the contents of an object inside it
   public String toString() {
       return name + "," + semester + System.lineSeparator() + instructor
               + System.lineSeparator() + textbook;



public class CourseScheduler2 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Course c1=new Course("Computer Science","Second",new Instructor("James","Patinson","Brooklyn Building",213),new TextBook("Database Management Systems","Litmus Publishers",12));
       Course c2=new Course("Electronics","Fifth",new Instructor("Sachin","Tendulkar","Vasavi Building",240),new TextBook("Operating Systems","Pearson Publishers",9));




Computer Science,Second
James * Patinson * Brooklyn Building * 213
Database Management Systems
Litmus Publishers
Sachin * Tendulkar * Vasavi Building * 240
Operating Systems
Pearson Publishers

___________________________Thank You

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