
In: Computer Science

***IN JAVA*** Write a program contained a class Student which has firstName, lastName, mark, grade. The...

***IN JAVA***

Write a program contained a class Student which has firstName, lastName, mark, grade. The program should allow creation an array of object instances to assign firstName, lastName and mark from input user and perform and assign grade based on mark’s criteria displayed below.



95 - 100

90 - <95

85 - <90

80 - <85

75 - <80

70 - <75

65 - <70

60 - <65

0 - <60












Enter section #: 1

How many students: 3

Enter student details:

First Name: John

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 96

Enter student details:

First Name: Mary

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 76

Enter student details:

First Name: Lucy

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 76

Result for Section 1


FirstName               Last Name         Grade

John                    Kendall           A+

Mary                    Kendall           C+

Lucy                    Kendall           C+

Total students: 3

Average marks: 82.2     Average Grade: B

Highest: 96, by John Kendall

Location: 0

Another batch? (Yes – 1, No - 0) :> 1

Enter section #: 2

How many students: 6

Enter student details:


First Name: John

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 96


First Name: Mary

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 76


First Name: Lucy

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 76


First Name: Martin

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 86


First Name: Mary

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 76


First Name: Lucy

Last Name: Kendall

Marks      : 98

Result for Section 2


FirstName               Last Name         Grade

John                    Kendall           A+

Mary                    Kendall           C+

Lucy                    Kendall           C+

Martin                  Kendall           B+

Mary                    Kendall           C+

Lucy                    Kendall           A+

Total students: 6

Average marks : 80.7    Average Grade: B

Highest: 98, by Lucy Kendall

Location: 6


Another batch? (Yes – 1, No - 0) :> 0







Use class Student to create another class Students that will be built in the class implementing a Comparator.



Use for enhanced method to display the grade of student by each batches



In the main program, create sections of studlist, receive section number and number of students for each section. Use loop control structure to display output as shown in above and to assign input utilizing the studList structure.



For each section, program will control input firstname, lastname and marks received from user and add into StudList.



Use appropriate control structure to control input and program execution.



In main, use Arrays sort() method, to help find the maximum grade achieved by each class and display the name of the student.



In main, find the average performance (average section, mark and grade) of every batch and include in the output display.

Formula :

Average_mark = total/number of students;



Use solution for practical provided to extend the program to capable to process more than one sections of students to process.

/ 4m




Expert Solution

Note: Could you plz go through this code and let me know if u need any changes in this.Thank You


import java.util.Comparator;

public class Student implements Comparator<Student> {
   private String firstName;
   private String lastName;
   private double mark;

   public Student() {
   * @param firstName
   * @param lastName
   * @param mark
   public Student(String firstName, String lastName, double mark) {
       this.firstName = firstName;
       this.lastName = lastName;
       this.mark = mark;

   * @return the firstName
   public String getFirstName() {
       return firstName;

   * @param firstName
   * the firstName to set
   public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
       this.firstName = firstName;

   * @return the lastName
   public String getLastName() {
       return lastName;

   * @param lastName
   * the lastName to set
   public void setLastName(String lastName) {
       this.lastName = lastName;

   * @return the mark
   public double getMark() {
       return mark;

   * @param mark
   * the mark to set
   public void setMark(double mark) {
       this.mark = mark;

   public String gradeLetter(double mark) {
       String letter = "";

       if (mark >= 95 && mark <= 100)
           letter = "A+";
       else if (mark >= 90 && mark <95)
           letter = "A-";
       else if (mark >= 85 && mark <90)
           letter = "B+";
       else if (mark >= 80 && mark <85)
           letter = "B";
       else if (mark >= 75 && mark < 80)
           letter = "C+";
       else if (mark >= 70 && mark < 75)
           letter = "C";
       else if (mark >= 65 && mark < 70)
           letter = "D+";
       else if (mark >= 60 && mark <65)
           letter = "D";
       else if (mark <60)
           letter = "F";
       return letter;

   public int compare(Student s1, Student s2) {
       if (s1.getMark() < s2.getMark())
           return 1;
       else if (s1.getMark() > s2.getMark())
           return -1;
           return 0;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
   public String toString() {
       String s = new String().format("%-15s%-15s%-15s", firstName, lastName,gradeLetter(mark));
       return s;




import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Students {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int size, count = 0, maxIndex =0;
       String firstName, lastName;
       double sum = 0.0, avg = 0.0;
       Student s=null;
       double max,mark;
       * Creating an Scanner class object which is used to get the inputs
       * entered by the user
       Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

       while (true) {
           // Getting the input entered by the user
           System.out.println("Enter section #:" + (count));
           System.out.print("How many students: ");
           size = sc.nextInt();

           Student studList[] = new Student[size];
           for (int i = 0; i < studList.length; i++) {
               System.out.println("Enter student details:");
               System.out.print("First Name:");
               firstName =;
               System.out.print("Last Name :");
               lastName =;
               System.out.print("Marks :");
               mark = sc.nextInt();
               s = new Student(firstName, lastName, mark);
               studList[i] = s;
           Arrays.sort(studList,new Student());
           System.out.println("Result for Section " + (count));
           System.out.printf("%-15s%-15s%-15s\n", "FirstName", "LastName","Grade");
           max = studList[0].getMark();
           for (int i=0;i<studList.length;i++)
               sum += studList[i].getMark();
               if (max < studList[i].getMark())
                   max = studList[i].getMark();
                   maxIndex = i;
           System.out.println("Total Students:" + size);
           System.out.printf("Average marks:%.1f\n" ,avg);
           System.out.println("Average Grade:" +s.gradeLetter(avg));
           System.out.println("Highest:" +max+", by "+studList[maxIndex].getFirstName()+" "+studList[maxIndex].getLastName()+" Location: "+maxIndex);
           System.out.print("Another batch? (Yes - 1, No - 0):>");
           int choice=sc.nextInt();





==================================Thank You

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