In: Computer Science
Q: Provide the expression to create an object collection of all objects referenced by the CSS selector div#intro p?
Selector div#intro p means
Div is tag used an d html
#intro is the id used in the html code
p is again the paragraph tag of html
Now we want all the objects referenced by this selector id using HTML DOM
So we use querySelectorAll() method returns a collection of an element's child elements that matches a specified CSS selector i,e id or class , in form of a static single object
1. Give your div tag a id let's say divid
2. Define many element inside div inside p tag with id as intro as specified by you like
<div id="divid">
<p id ="intro "> My first id reference using intro <p>
<p id ="intro "> My Second id reference using intro <p>
and so on as many as you want
3. Now we to access all in form of a object collectively so use querySelectorAll() along with getElementById()
like this
var x = document.getElementById("divid").querySelectorAll("p#intro");
X contains all the objects that are referenced by id as intro inside div and p tag and you can access them like you access elements of any static object in HTML so X[0] will be represent first id reference and X[1] Second id reference and so on
Now using that you can do whatever you like to do
like for example
x[0].style.fontSize = "20px";
So above changes will be applied only to specified Id and object reference and you can have a collection of all objects in one object only .
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