In: Computer Science
Write a script that represents a simple command line calculator. It will accept two numbers from command line, and then display sum, difference and product of these two numbers. Provide script code and screenshot of output.
Using Linux Ubuntu bash
# !/bin/bash
# Take user Input
echo "Enter Two numbers : "
read a
read b
# Input type of operation
echo "Enter Choice :"
echo "1. Addition"
echo "2. Subtraction"
echo "3. Multiplication"
echo "4. Division"
read ch
# Switch Case to perform
# calulator operations
case $ch in
1)res=`echo $a + $b | bc`
2)res=`echo $a - $b | bc`
3)res=`echo $a \* $b | bc`
4)res=`echo "scale=2; $a / $b" | bc`
echo "Result : $res"