In: Psychology
With regards to coping with stress through Mindfulness Meditatio, what other benefits might there be from focusing on regular, rhythmic breathing? What is the advantage to focusing on your own body’s actions rather than an object or chant (such as a mantra)?
Mindful meditation is focusing on the present experience whatever it is, the thoughts, breathing, body actions without judging it. This practice helps in coping with stress as mentioned above. Other than that it has other benefits too such as, (i). It increases concentration and help in improving alertness. (ii). It makes you more calm and patient. (iii). As it concentrates in body and mind fully, it gives better awareness clarity about one's own feelings and physical being. (iv). When the mind is calm and more aware creative ideas flows through, hence making one more creative. (v). Sitting and focusing on breathing and body actions without judging needs practice of self control, hence inhancing one's self control.
The advantage to focusing on your own body actions rather than an object or chant are all the above mentioned benefits of mindful meditation. Focusing on your own body makes you more aware of your existence, gives you clarity of feelings and ideas.