In: Computer Science
Nearby is a main() function demonstrating the use of the function earliest_word. Implement this function according to the documentation given. My solution is about 25 lines plus some closing curly braces.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *earliest_word(char *fname, int *nwords);
// Opens the file fname and reads words from it
// until the end of file is reached then closes
// the file. If the file to be opened doesn't
// exist, returns NULL and sets nwords to
// -1. Tracks the alphabetic "earliest" word that
// is read in as indicated by strcmp(). Tracks how
// many words in total are read and sets nwords to
// that value. Allocates a block of memory and
// copies the earliest word found into the block
// using strcpy(). Returns a pointer to the
// freshly allocated block.
// ASSUMPTIONS: Words are no longer than 127
// characters so will fit in an array of size
// 128. Files have at least one word in them.
int main(){
int count; char *file; char *early;
file = "vegetables.txt";
// pumpkin carrot beet squash cucumber
early = earliest_word(file, &count);
printf("%s: %d words, %s earliest\n",
// vegetables.txt: 5 words, beet earliest
file = "fruits.txt";
// banana peach orange apple pineapple strawberry
early = earliest_word(file, &count);
printf("%s: %d words, %s earliest\n",
// fruits.txt: 6 words, apple earliest
file = "not-there.txt";
early = earliest_word(file, &count);
printf("%s not found\n",file);
// not-there.txt not found
return 0;
C programming
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /** * Global variables */ FILE *fileToRead; char ch; int num_characters, nwords, num_lines; void earliest_word(char *fname, int nwords) { fileToRead = fopen(fname, "r"); /* Check if the file is opened*/ if (fileToRead == NULL) { printf("Problem occurred will trying to open the file.\nCheck if the file exists or provide the right path\n"); // set file nwords to negative one nwords = -1; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * Logic to count num_characters, nwords and num_lines. */ num_characters = nwords = num_lines = 0; while ((ch = fgetc(fileToRead)) != EOF) { num_characters++; /* new line checker*/ if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\0') num_lines++; /* Words checker */ if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\0') nwords++; } /* Increment nwords and num_lines for last word */ if (num_characters > 0) { nwords++; num_lines++; } /* Print fileToRead statistics */ printf("\nTotal num_lines in the file = %d\n", num_lines); printf("Total number of words in the file = %d\n", nwords); printf("Total number of characters in in the file = %d\n", num_characters); /* Closing the file after read completion*/ fclose(fileToRead); } // main function void main() { // file to read pointer declaration FILE *fileToRead; //character array of file filePath to read char * filePath[100]; //file entry printf("Please provide the source filePath: "); scanf("%s", filePath); /* Open the fileToRead in read mode */ fileToRead = fopen(filePath, "r"); //operation process //External method call earliest_word(filePath,nwords); } OutPut:
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