In: Computer Science
A full-time student pays $8,000 per semester. It has been announced that the tuition will increase by 3 percent each year for the next three years. Write a program with a loop that displays the projected semester tuition amount for the next three years. Also, provide the option to the student to calculate the tuition for another three years using the same percent increase. Please remember, if the student decides to calculate the tuition for another three years the starting tuition will be calculated tuition value for the end of the 3-year period.
# Python program to calculate semester fee
def tutionFee(fee, rate):
function for calculate tution fee
@Param: fee and interest rate
Return: fee after one year
# return calculate tution fee
return (fee * (1 + rate /100))
def main(currentFee, rate):
function to call tution fee and display result
@Param: current fee and interest rate
# initialize variable
count = 0
initial = currentFee
# display initial fee
print("Initial fee: ",currentFee)
# calculate yearwise semester fee upto 9 years
while count < 3:
# for last three years fee will be
# calculated as per initial fee
if count == 2:
currentFee = initial
# display three years semester fees
for i in range(1, 4):
# get current fee
currentFee = tutionFee(currentFee, rate)
# display fee
print("Projected Semester fee after",\
count * 3 + i,"year: ",round(currentFee, 2))
# incerement
count = count + 1
# new line
# take choice only two times
if count <= 2:
# take choice if to continue
choice = input("Do you want calculate tution fee for another 3 years (Y/N): ")
if not(str(choice) == 'Y' or str(choice) == 'y'):
# new line
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
Call main() function
currentFee = 8000
rate = 3
# pass current fee
main(currentFee, rate)
Initial fee: 8000
Projected Semester fee after 1 year: 8240.0
Projected Semester fee after 2 year: 8487.2
Projected Semester fee after 3 year: 8741.82
Do you want calculate tution fee for another 3 years (Y/N): Y
Projected Semester fee after 4 year: 9004.07
Projected Semester fee after 5 year: 9274.19
Projected Semester fee after 6 year: 9552.42
Do you want calculate tution fee for another 3 years (Y/N): Y
Projected Semester fee after 7 year: 8240.0
Projected Semester fee after 8 year: 8487.2
Projected Semester fee after 9 year: 8741.82
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